Some Things Require Common Sense V, Contributed By @olawalium.

in relationship •  6 years ago 



Relationship shouldn’t be approached as a trial and error or let’s see how it goes. You are bound to hit the bottom with an approach like that. Value your life. Value your feelings. Your life is important and you will only prove to me how important you think you are by the kind of things you allow. If you don’t value or love yourself enough, I will know by the things you allow into your space and by the things that bothers you. Love yourself enough and don’t give discount.

The desperation for a relationship has led many into the kind of temptation that made them pray to God to deliver them from evil. Beware of a guy that asks you for money right after you started dating. He would lie that he has been owed several months of salary and leave out the part that it is just one month. He would give you a huge figure that he is expecting just to make you feel ease and calm and when you find out about the truth, he will turn the whole thing into a fight, and you will start feeling regret as to why you bother asking. He is only putting up a show. You will feel bad for asking because he has indirectly conditioned you into thinking he was doing you a favour by dating you.


It is better to wait than to rush. Most of the times, we feel pressured to own somebody. This pressure can be a societal pressure of family pressure. You don’t have to respond to it. Rise above it. I know how many people kept singing into my ears about marriage before now, but I know marriage is a long term project. Don’t go into it when you are not ready. Don’t meet people’s standards today and cause yourself a lifetime of misery. You need to choose carefully and wisely too. I am not saying you have to get someone perfect, no one is, but at least get someone who cares about you, who wouldn’t let you face and do things alone, and someone who is willing to show a bit more effort and ready to go that extra miles for you. Why? You life depends on it!

There are some situations that require common sense and the matter of the heart requires it. Don’t always rely on your feelings. Think with your head. Don’t always go for looks; go for personality; who the person is on the inside. Why? Looks might fade.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

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The relationship ...i belive it is your favourite topic to 'bleed' your tongue @olawalium....hahha..
Starting a Relationship is about understanding and exorin each other physically and mentaly. Just getting into a relationship for the sake of physical needs is not a relation. When a women get falling in everyone who offfer their hands to support must beed to be cautious.
@olawalium i like to add a new point. When a person is lonly then i gues he/she is an easy trap. For sure a women who not getting any support from friends and family and get lonely in life can keep falling to anyone who offers her support . in such cases it was hard for women part to judge the men at first instance. I know they pretend to be a gentleman but the women condition is lonliness and any humble support and company make ger to fall....and by the time she realised that she is mere an object of use...she already been exploited. Hard for such women to even judge or sensed out what coming in that so call mean relationship

Posted using Partiko Android

This is amazing and very detailed. You have spoken so well, my friend. With loneliness, we accept the love we feel we deserve, because we are always looking for someone who can fill that void, which makes us susceptible to being exploited.

Self-love, and having a purpose to live for is a massive step to take to overcome lonely states.

Thank you very much for this, my friend. I totally enjoyed it.

Hahah..thanks for your liking...these words means a lot ..and help me to get into your thoughtful post on @communitycoin hey jave you ever wriiten on suicide? Would love to get your insight into it

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow! That's a deep and delicate one. I have written once on it, i think on my blog. Would be nice to write something on it again. Would work on it.

Thats a good topic i belive covering the pros and cons of giving up with life...kind of motivational

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely, my friend.

When one is in lonliness it is hard to judge good or is not even possible to feel the difference between real love or reel love

Posted using Partiko Android

Exactly. With loneliness, you can't tell the difference between genuine love and fake love. Good one as always my friend. I always enjoy your perspectives.

The point i like here is personality, you said right that we should see character and personality instead of look. First of all avoid to go in relationship if not ready yet. If you want relationship then choose wisely so that you don't regret it later.
Have a good day

That is real beauty

That is real beauty