
in relationship •  7 years ago 

It turns out that this stone is, as I have learned, to relax the soul, but I also knew that it is the ideal stone for the signs of Aquarius and Pisces, curious is that it is one of the stones that I like the most; if perhaps they are for their purple tones is the curiosity that transmits me and if in some way is an inner peace that causes me to see it.

Although this is not my ideal stone under my sign, Gemini, it is the ideal stone for my current two life partners.

That's right, I have two boyfriends, I am in a polyamorous relationship (in another post I explain what this is) and they have become the passengers of my trip.

With Pisces, I have been in a relationship for 4 years, this is a conflict because I don't know if to reset the accountant because with Aquarius we have been officially walking for almost a year now, and if we know each other we have already passed the year.

I met Aquarius one day on the Internet from those times I'm in Facebook groups and I start talking with the members, although on that occasion I was one of the administrators and I had to filter members, and so he came to my messenger contact, where on January 1st we were greeting each other to integrate and since that day it has been as pleasant as we talk daily until today; in fact, as I write this we are in a

Aquarius had been coming out of a relationship for more than ten years and only the year before when we started to talk had ended his relationship; well, from the beginning we talked to each other with flirtation and with that, to find out more about us, I began to explain our curiosity about polyamor and with that, he became curious about it.

We got to a point where we had to meet and so it was, he agreed to see us and with it to travel to our city, the three of us were afraid because we did not know what to expect from the meeting, in addition to staying at our home, and because the meeting was given, I loved it since I saw it from afar but I am shy and I got very nervous, Pisces on the contrary is very social and had already begun to talk to him.

Since that day the visits were constant at least once a month, and the truth is that we have experienced some nice things, although sometimes it has not been possible for him to come.

And this works because we have talked about arrangements to run the relationship and that is that distance is one of the most'serious' factors by which this relationship could fail. But so far this has not been the case.

And for now, that's all....later I'll have to say good and bad details.

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment