The Strangest Thing Men Desire. (And how it can make him crazy for you.)steemCreated with Sketch.

in relationship •  3 years ago 

Have you ever been drawn to a guy for no apparent reason?
Perhaps you've even experienced affections for someone you'd prefer not like. What causes this to happen?

How can you fall in love despite your conscious mind's opposition?

These kinds of encounters hint at the secret universe that fuels our love passion. It's all about emotional reactions in that secret realm. We don't have conscious control over our emotional reactions.

The truth is that we do not choose to fall in love. It's more of a thirsty feeling. You don't make the decision to become thirsty. It's something you just notice. And the more intense your thirst becomes, the more difficult it is to ignore it.

What if I told you that all guys go through a period of relationship "thirst"? He has an insatiable desire that he can't satiate on his own. Would you like to know what's making him so thirsty?


To skip straight to the answer, check out this video -

This illustrates how you might pique his interest in what he requires and desires. Plus, I'll show you how to make sure you're the only person he turns to for fulfilment of this tremendous desire.

Here's why the man in your life won't tell you what he really wants out of your relationship... He doesn't want to confess the truth since it makes him feel bad. That's because acknowledging to the desire pushes him further away from his aim.
This is why...

Consider a woman who is irritated that her partner never does anything romantic for her. Finally, she breaks down and expresses her wish to be pursued and romanced by him.

But he acts as if she's being unreasonable, demanding that she specify one aspect of the relationship that's missing. As a result, she sets an example for him. "It'd be wonderful to get flowers every now and then." It's just simple stuff like that."

He delivers her flowers the next day. However, the enchantment of this gesture is absent. Because receiving flowers when you had to ask for them does not seem special.

It's similar with males, but with an entirely different type of relationship requirement. Men, on the other hand, have an insatiable desire for your admiration.

He can't, however, ask for it. "Julie, I genuinely like you, but here's what's missing in our relationship," he can't say. You don't respect me nearly enough. You appear to have a higher regard for other guys in your life, which makes it difficult for me to envision a future with you."

He is unable to express this because men assume that admiration must be earned. Requesting it is akin to stating that you are a cool person in order to gain popularity. That isn't how it works.

Only when you communicate the nonverbal language of praise will he feel like your hero. He'll have to deduce that from what you really say and do.

"That's not so crazy," you might think now. I understand why a man wants to be admired." But there's something crucial I need to tell you if you're thinking that.

It's not only that males want to be admired. It's because he can't keep that "in love" feeling if he doesn't have it.


Nothing kills a man's attraction faster than feeling unneeded in a relationship. He aspires to be viewed as a provider. Someone who is admired for his ability to give for others.

Because he doesn't feel wanted, he feels emasculated and less of a man. As a result, his amorous drive is turned off.

And here's the worst part: You can't merely express your admiration for him. Only if he believes he has won your trust, admiration, and respect will it work.

However, there is some good news. Once you know how to put him up for success, it's both fun and easy to let him earn your admiration.

Simply find ways to make him your idol. Now, I should point out that there is an art to doing this in such a way that he becomes enamoured with you.

However, I've seen women use this basic technique to wrap a man around her pinky. I've seen what works and what doesn't as a relationship coach. But, at the end of the day, it all boils down to this...

You Must Arouse His Sense Of Heroism.


Once you've done that, you'll be surprised by what follows next. You'll never want things to go back to the way they were because he'll become so loving, so attentive, and so invested in a serious, long-term relationship.

The hero instinct is a deep-seated desire to be around individuals who make him feel heroic. But in his romantic relationships, it's magnified.

Some concepts are truly life-changing. This is one of them for romantic partnerships. That's why I've put together an online video presentation so you can take control of this information.


Because it's one thing to awaken his hero instinct. It takes a few tips and techniques to learn how to do it over and over again.

Women, on the other hand, do not require assistance. Especially in today's world. However, here's the ironic truth...
Men are still in need of rescuing.

They seek out relationships that allow them to feel like a provider since it's in their DNA.

This small difference in male and female DNA has a significant impact on what draws males to the opposite sex.

He is drawn to any lady who gives him the opportunity to play the hero.
Because his impulses drive him to want to play that social position.

This is when it gets really interesting. He'll have no idea why he's pulled to you.

As a result, you can employ this strategy without drawing attention to yourself. At a subconscious level, it elicits attraction.

He'll feel a strong pull on his emotions. But if his friend asks him why he's so obsessed with you, he won't be able to explain it.

Our feelings of attraction are fueled by a secret universe. There's no doubt about that. However, we now have the ability to observe a significant portion of that hidden universe. It's also something you have control over.


It's not something that only chemists can detect, like oxytocin levels in the blood. Rather, once you learn to recognise it, it's something you'll notice all around you.

It's a pattern of male and female interaction. Relationship experts have long known it exists, but they have failed to recognise it as the potent trigger that it is. A catalyst that fuels his desire for friendship.

How do you use this trigger to elicit feelings of arousal and romance?

Translating your desires into a language that resonates to his innate desire to be a provider is the simplest method to stimulate his hero instinct. His drive to protect, serve, and love others.

The desire to be a hero to someone.
If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, go here to learn more about this relationship-building tool. It's a skill you can pick up once and utilise for the rest of your life.

You've already established your wants and needs. Why not learn how to turn those wants into demands that make him feel like a hero?

Then, after a woman has awakened his hero impulse, relax into the warmth and passion he is only capable of displaying. A woman who understands how to quench his thirst.

Watch the video presentation -

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