Do you Want to Know what makes me Tick...Do you have any Pet Peeves? Participate in this interestin discussion!

in relationship •  8 years ago 

:) We Need your answers in comments Please! We can learn a lot about each other and what not to do in relationships and while blogging from this Inter-active Blog. :)

Is there something about Steemit, or somebody's behaviors or habits that you can't stand?

Do you have OCD, ADHD, or a Pet Peeve?**

Is It in a small or huge way? I know I sure do. I can't stand messes. I follow people around my apartment cleaning up after them. I also have some ADHD in there to make things worse. I also hate when people ask me to repeat myself. I hate sounding like a broken record, so I dont answer when people say things like.... "What?" Another huge pet peeve of mine is finger clapping. When people get exited, or their team scores, and they wave their hands around like a 'SPECIAL' person. I can not do this, and I do not want to learn, because it is one of the most annoying things a person can do in my opinion. I think lots of us have pet peeves. Sometimes people call it bitching or complaining, but there are always things we have to try to change to live happily with other people. One example is when girls tell guys to not leave the toilette seat up, or to not piss on the toilette seat. Maybe you cant stand certain sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard, or grinding teeth. whatever it is, that 'Grinds your gears', let us know in the comments below.

Do you struggle with it, or do you cope well?

I know for me coping is key. We cannot change everything we dislike about the world, so we have to learn to live with these annoyances. For me, I must just ignore a lot of what bugs me. I am aware of it, but let it pass by me, averting my attention to something else. I also HAVE TO live alone. I have too many things I like done a certain way, and have lived with many people, and they always get on your nerves eventually, for one thing or another. I find myself giving advice quite frequently, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I like to think I plant a seed that slowly grows in their mind, and eventually they see it clearly.

Does it make you angry or feel any other emotion?

The main feeling I notice is annoyance, feeling uncomfortable, anxiety, and frustration when I witness something I hate being done. For example when a gf or bf may be sleeping with someone else, we get anxiety, and confusion. this is something we all deal with at least once.

How can we live more harmonious, not get on each others nerves, and lower our frustration with the people that piss us off? We can divert our focus from the annoying action, by trying to ignore the outlining factors and suppressing our mental tendency's. Only when we can truly develop as human being and move pass the small issues.

Here are some more examples....

Lets have a discussion in the comments section bellow.... We can get out some Steem. We can help each other be more enjoyable to interact with.

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What grinds your gears?

I hate having to explain myself to people...I'd rather everyone just be telepathic

I think that we can transcend our pet peeves through understnding

BTW some advice...shorter posts with more attention to the quality!