Der große Paarberater

in relationship •  3 years ago 

Das Buch Der große Paarberater vermittelt Erkenntnisse und Anregungen zu den wichtigsten Themen der Paarbeziehung. Er ähnelt in seinem Aufbau dem erfolgreichen Büchlein „Der kleine Paarberater“, ist aber ausführlicher und enthält neun detailliert geschilderte Übungen, die Partner anwenden können, um ihre Beziehung aus einer Sackgassen zu manoverieren oder die Kommunikation zu verbessern.

Strengthen the relationship through a good approach to money – Course 3 of the series Relationship Skills.

According to scientists, the topic of money is one of the most significant points of conflict in couples. But how are money and love connected, and what influence does one have on the other? How can we talk about money without damaging love? Why does „cold“ money destroy a relationship? How does understanding about this delicate subject strengthen the love of couples? Michael Mary provides insights and suggestions on how each couple can recognise the role money plays in their relationship and gives concrete suggestions on how the couple can decide how to deal with it. So that the relationship „rules“ over money – and not money over the relationship.

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