10 things guys guys find annoying in ladies

in relationship •  7 years ago 

Take a deep breath and read about 10 things that make guys want to disappear, along with what the woman says to make him disappear

  1. The Trouble Makers

Most readers will agree with this one. A guy gets easily annoyed when a lady cannot let go of the things she does not like. Guys do not like a lady who tries to solve problems by arguing about it in front of everyone.

  1. The Drama Queens

The dramatic ladies love to create a storm in a glass of water. Crying helps them seem more convincing.

  1. The Jealous

Among the worst complaints are against those ladies who are almost neurotically untrusting.

  1. The Yellers

You have no clue how annoyed a man gets with shouting.

  1. The Fault Finder

She is the type of woman that finds faults in everything. Nothing is the way she wants it.

  1. The Bad-Humored

Are generally straight-faced and smile very little.

  1. The Madonnas

These women do not like the fact that men have freedom of choice. They believe that men do not know how to use their agency well or even that they do not possess the maturity to do so. Generally, they act as if they were his mother.
8.The insecure

These ladies do not think they are worthy of their companions. They always question themselves about their feelings and the man's taste in women.

  1. The indecisive

Single boys have a lot to say about this attitude. They show interest in a girl and she shows interest back, but she soon acts distant. Boys feel very confused with this type of attitude.
Those men that are no longer single also have their own two cents to put in. Not being able to pick which clothes to wear, which place to go, and other similar decisions leaves men impatient and irritated.

  1. The Subjective

These are the women with the inability to be direct or state what they want. They think that men have a crystal ball attached to their brains. Not only do they hope that the man will guess what they are thinking, they hope that he deciphers the "woman code," which is given through looks, small gestures, a nose scratch or any other similar signs.
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