in relationshipfriday •  7 years ago 


There are only 4 basic human needs: water, food, shelter, and sex.
If you can get those four things sorted out, you have solved many of life's challenges and hacked your way to a fulfilling marriage.


Drink 1 to 2 liters of water per day, ideally with a lemon. I'm not talking about sugared drinks like Cola drinks, as such don't count as water. I'm talking about REAL water…

In case you don't know, water gives a lot of energy and vitality.


As a woman, realize your family needs good food. Give them plenty of fruits and vegetables. Because everybody needs fruits, vegetables and nuts to be healthy. Only have junk foods on the weekend.


Live somewhere you like. Move if where you live doesn't fulfill you. Do whatever it takes to live in a city, home, or place that makes you happy. Oh, and invest in a good mattress.


Well, be unapologetic about your physical intimacy with your spouse. Learn the skills to spice things up in the bedroom and be a good lover. It will pay you back tremendously.

I just saved you from all the self-help out there.

Have an amazing day!

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Acknowledgement: Michael N. Michael

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You should do a whole series of self-help books condensed down to single pages. Think of all the trees you would save!

Well noted sir. Thanks

what about music?