Love is pain </3

in relationships •  7 years ago 

Everyone has their own definition of love just like everyone has their own definition of pain. Some think it’s a big fairy tale like this Disney princess’s make it out to be, some think its pain all the time and you just stick around to be labeled as Ride or Die through thick and thin. I believe that it all depends on the way you see your peers and people around you. Love has many different meanings to it, ways to define it and definiens of looking at it. It depends on who you’re with at the time and what rode to take with that person even though every love story has stress if it’s worth it you work through it and figure everything out! Everything is meant to happen for a reason and everything will always find a way if it’s meant to be.

Pain on the other hand is pain, and with pain there is a problem, whether it being small or big it needs to be fixed. Pain is love and love is pain. That is very true in my opinion. We all feel sometimes we can’t live without love in our lives and therefore we need some pain. Pain in love is not knowing what your love life is going to look like in a week or two with your partner because there was a fight misunderstanding or miscommunication over something little and you knowing in your heart its nothing to worry about but always having your head tell you otherwise. That’s the kind of pain I’m talking about with love here. Not like ouch I fell on my knee or this one beats me!
or need to make just to do the right thing. Now that we have that understandings when you’re ready to go back out there and look and search for love wanting to find it with all these things you want to make sure go right try taking a step back for a minute. Try meeting someone first talking, texting, hanging out with then slowly progress from there … who knows maybe the person you meet and progress with will be your life long partner, ride or die and you might’ve just made your own cinderella story or whatever Disney princess you’re into. Perhaps you aren’t into Disney maybe you’ll end up with a Edward and Bella kinda ending ..well without any blood suckers in it.

Love isn’t easy by any means it’s one of the hardest battles you’ll ever come close too. Its making a choice whether it’s a good decision you want, don’t want, or need to make for the best. Love is a battle field and whether you’re ready for it or not it’s coming your way! If you’re like me and always an adventure then you got it.

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