The Power of any type of Relationship

in relationships •  7 years ago 

Often we find out that people come to our lives and in a flash of an eye they could be out of it. Sometimes the leave based on something that we did or we just decided to let them go. How do we know which to keep and which to let go. I leave you here with a few tips that have worked for me and others I know.

  1. The most obvious is COMMUNICATION. We usually expect for the other person to stay in touch, but we don't really make an effort. If both think alike in that same thought even less. A relationship consists of two sides feeding from each others input, not just expecting one side to always give and the other doesn't add value.

  2. Be ACCOUNTABLE to someone. It is not having someone telling you what to do. If a person that came to your life tells you the truth and not what you want to hear, then that person is worth for you to be accountable to. They will keep in you in check and on your feet.

  3. Surround yourself with people that CHALLENGE you. Be humble and remember that you don't know everything. There are people that can actually help us get better, but our own ego doesn't let us see them for the skills or gifts they have. Often we compare ourselves to them and blocking them out if we feel they are better than us. No one is better than anyone, so don't compare yourself to them. Always be who you are, but there are good things that we can learn from the people around us. The more people that you consider are successful you can surround yourself with, the more things you can learn. Let them challenge you to always get better. Surround yourself who are not comfortable where they are, but that always look how they can better them selves.

  4. Don't be SELFISH. It is not always about people making a difference in us. Sometimes they walk into our lives and our job is how to make them better and help them. There are people that no one ever believed in them, but you came along. The greatest satisfaction a human being can feel is seeing the growth and the result of success of someone who you were there for. It's not about what they give back to you, it's about that you made a difference in someones. Always be realistic though, some will be thankful and some will not.

  5. Stop being INSECURE. Don't be scared of teaching something to someone. Always teach someone else what you know and make them better than you. People push people out of their lives often because they feel threatened by them learning something from them and make it better. Know who you are, but always strive to help someone be better than you. You never know what that successful person you helped create can bring to your life later on.

Those five tips should help you keep people in your life. Of course there are many more. At the end of the day remember that connections or relationships always help open doors you never dreamed off. Why? Because there are influences and connections that you don't have and vice versa. You never know how will their influence open a path that will change your life forever.

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