Cards Against Anarchy letting out brain gas: one more reason to get on Steemit sooner rather than later

in relationships •  8 years ago 

We all have relationships good and bad, and some of us have run into actual toxic people in our work. Needless to say, this can make for awkward situations from time to time that need to be navigated and negotiated delicately. I have been fortunate in that I have not had to deal with such people personally until now. Be that as it may, usually when there is even a lightly problematic person, other people (usually those in our team more experienced than myself) will engage in the diplomacy and leave me out of it because apparently I am challenged with my filters, even though I see myself as result-oriented, but whatever. Guilty. I don't suffer fools gladly. It could very well be what fuels my love for generating "horrible" content. I own it!

Without giving names, I was recently made aware of the track record of someone in the cryptosphere. Not a good one, but true to a manipulator this person also knows how to command respect. I suspect it's going to be a matter of time before that track record catches up, assuming this person has any shame, and it is possible that it could be lacking. You know of the type of person I am talking about.

Knowing what I know, I find it ironic to see the topics this person writes about. I think this person picks the topic and timing to gain more upvotes. Don't get me wrong - we all would be wise to try to leverage topics and timing in our favour. But lack of character is another thing altogether.

And there are high-profile people that have been stung by said person that are not on Steemit - yet. I worry that their taking their time could give their arch-nemeses a head start and an advantage in accumulating Steem Power. We know that anyone can "flag" a post on Steemit. This could give said toxic people power over you given one's vote's impact on your reward is commensurate in some way with their Steem Power. Unless a friend of yours with greater Steem Power took up vigilante justice on your behalf and harassed in kind, you could be beat down before you could power up, unless you forked over your own money, and given Steem's price chart, ... I don't know. Surely this all is in the "ether" but it would be nerve-wracking regardless.

Of course the above is a far-fetched scenario. More likely than not, the said toxic people may just ignore you. I cannot know. All the more reason to accumulate Steem Power, irrespective of the price of Steem. Steem Power is "social currency" and it matters here. Starting now, however minnow (like yours truly) would help. It could be that the next thing around the corner could ask for your Steemit account reputation like Steemit asked for Facebook or Google sign-ins to verify you as a true person. We are early adopters here.

And if it isn't your arch-nemesis, it could also be the not-cream-of-the-crop masses. People who get offended by this or that, "cultural appropriation," or drawings of some dude named Muhammad. Or prude Americans who get their knickers in a bunch when they see nipples on a woman's breast. We've witnessed that on Facebook, have we not? We could make an attempt at taking charge to make sure we don't let that repeat here. What degree of success we'll have remains to be seen.

Think ahead, just not like a manipulator or cut throat.

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steemit is awesome, now. who knows what it will be tomorrow. the fakers and idiots and easily offended ruin everything it is possible for them to. sooner rather than later? i should have visited paris before the whole third world took a shit on it. steemit is great , now. i hope it gets even better but, what are the chances of that in this world? joy in the now rather than regret, forever.


Like a fish you've just got to swim your own path and try to avoid the Sharks , octopus and maybe get a slipstream ride from a whale.

Steemit is ahead of its time, the future of social networks is with monetization, no doubt about that.