I've been rejected by women for a lot of reasons; but, this one takes the prize of maximum hilarity.

in relationships •  3 years ago 


I think I just dodged a bullet. I'm literally chuckling at the fact that a woman with whom I've been speaking on Bumble decided that she didn't want to date me because the reason is so stupid that I know that she saved me a lot of money and anguish.

So, we had already gotten philosophy, politics, and religion covered. She had already commented on how nice I am and how much she loved my photography. We were planning a date to go out on a photo adventure this weekend.

So, what was the deal breaker?

I mentioned that I was making a video wherein I was going to be critiquing Man of Steel. She just said that she has zero interest in superhero movies and blocked me.

The great thing about this is that her response is a deal-breaker for me, too. This is a person who can't tolerate me seeing a movie that she has no interest in? It doesn't matter whether or not I liked the movie. I didn't drag her out to watch it. Apparently she doesn't know how criticism works because it didn't occur to her that critics have to consume a ton of material whether they like it or not.

I mean, just imagine being in a relationship in which the fight isn't about leaving the reading light on too late and keeping up your partner awake, but about reading the wrong book next to your partner.

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