HE SAID WHAT on a first date? A quick guide to Direct Dating | Infinite Man Dating

in relationships •  7 years ago 

HE SAID WHAT on a first date? A quick guide to Direct Dating

Mike Diretto | Infinite Man Dating

“So, wait a minute - you’re a non-monogamous married swinger, who smokes weed, enjoys mushrooms, participates in combat sports, and teaches men how to meet women as your job… is that right?”

She asked in the first hour of our first date.

“Yup!” I said. “Do you have any issues with any of that?”

“Nope!” she said. So we chatted a bit more, did a little dancing, got a hotel room and began a beautiful sexy-friendship that lasted until she got (monogamously) married.

Does that sound unlikely to you? Or like some sort of magic? Aren’t a lot of those things stuff you SHOULDN’T TALK ABOUT on a date? It couldn’t possibly be as simple as this, right?

Well it’s not as easy as blurting out facts about yourself, but if you’ve been doing your job correctly up to this point (direct approaching, screening hard, being a man with strong values and boundaries), then yea.. It kind of is.

You see, most people do dating backwards. They think it’s about being on your best behavior, making the best first impression, hiding away anything that might be seen as negative or distasteful until “later on, when she likes me more” in the hopes that she’ll be so infatuated with you by then she’ll be able to ignore the fact that you’ve got a few deal-breakers.

Why? Because you’re afraid of having your bullshit found out and LOSING THE GIRL.

But this is simply a SCARCITY MENTALITY at play - you’d care far less about how you were being perceived if you ALREADY felt like you were getting all of your emotional and physical needs met.

In reality, what you are really doing when you try to “be on your best behavior” is MANIPULATION. You’re avoiding certain truths or downplaying issues in order to affect how the other person feels about you. And you’re opening the door to getting played or manipulated yourself.

This behavior is also an example of INDIRECT COMMUNICATION and you know how much we DESPISE THAT!

In today’s video, I try to make the point that being direct doesn’t stop at the approach.

You will have a much better, easier, more effective and efficient time with dating if you drop the act, stop hiding your true self, and give women the chance to accept you as you are.

Click the video for a QUICK GUIDE on DIRECT DATING so you can break out of the bullshit pattern and start having truly MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL relationships.

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awesome stuff! only regret is i cant make it to infinite man summit :( That plain ticket is killing me.....50000 pesos. The only chance ive got is selling my eos tokens to buy the ticket and no waaayy im touching those.....maybe next year....

Superb I like it

Who dares, wins!
Nice post!

  • The Rope