How Astrology explains the changes we experience in falling in love.
One of the most fascinating utilities of the study of Astrology lies precisely in the possibility of understanding people better by studying their astrological birth charts. It opens up to our perception the opportunity to understand individual differences that would otherwise be misinterpreted.
Astrology classifies temperaments into four types, according to the elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. The types of Fire and Air are more similar to each other and communicate better, just as Earth and Water types manifest similarities that make the relationship more comfortable. Nothing, however, prevents a type of the Fire element from being related to the type of the element Water. Although friction occurs, such differences can be substantially positive not only for the relationship, but also for individual growth.
When we date, a "chemical" process takes place, not just transforming the other, as we are transformed by it. " When we date, a" chemical "process takes place, not just transforming the other, as we are transformed by it. "
The astrological elements interact, generating entirely new people.
For astrology, the symbolic analysis of the positioning of Venus in an astrological chart is very important. Venus concerns our tastes, our pursuit of pleasure and satisfaction. And the best way to understand the different types of Venus is by contrasting elements that are psychologically opposed to each other, which, even if surprising at first, cause great change in one another's life.
When Venus is in the elements Fire and Air (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius), we are faced with a type that appreciates the sensation of conquest, adventure and novelty. If you want to win someone's heart like that, some important tips are worth it, so pay attention: never in any way, it seems easy or demonstrate that your heart was won. The types of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, for example, like challenges, the sensation of conquest, the adrenaline of the first kiss, that moment when we do not know if the other will correspond to us or not. If you offer too much security, one can simply get sick and move on to another. Also, do not commit the folly of proposing domestic or routine programs for a Venus type in Fire or Air, unless you know how to be original and do something very different in the home (something like a dinner with those Thai friends or a night of cheese and wine with a group playing a harp, for example). Avoid making charges by incorporating the "boring mother / father" model. The types of Venus in Fire and Air react well to subtle memories, but react very badly to aggressive charges.
And if you really want to conquer someone's heart with this astrological setting, pay attention to this fundamental detail: in this case, jealousy can do away with everything. People with Venus in Air and Fire usually have a very substantial collection of love trophies that can irritate. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, for example, are born courtiers, and seem to be giving up on others all the time. The cunning person will deal with it in a relatively quiet way, avoiding being jealous, especially in regard to things that have already passed. By being vain, the type of Venus in Fire may irritate your tendency to call attention at all costs, always putting yourself in a position of "desire object" of others. Likewise, the type of Venus in Air is so closely related that it causes insecurity in its partners. Over time, however, Fire touches on the need for greater stability and ends up quieting down with a firmer partnership. And Air learns to be less "sociable" and more selective in their relationships.
At the other end of the astrological spectrum, we find the types of Venus in Earth or Water (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces). For this type, affective stability is fundamental, and to win it, you have to gain your trust, which can take a while. Given the suspicion, Earth and Water types are easy to hurt, and stand behind most people or situations. They may look like hard bones to chew, and they are undoubtedly less affectionate and "dicey" than the Fire / Air type, but when they feel they are stepping on solid ground they are capable of a dedication and constancy worthy of a movie novel. On the other hand, even though they are so dedicated and faithful, they are known to be collectors, possessives, and controllers, given dramatic bouts of jealousy when they feel threatened.
If you want to seduce a type of Land or Water, invite it to intimate programs, without much "boiling", at least in the beginning. The type of Venus in Water is usually more affective and sweet than the Venus type on Earth, which often shows that it loves more from practical attitudes than from words. Both the type of Earth and the type of Water likes to be jealous, and likes even more when the other also demonstrates. So, if you want to make someone happy with this configuration, give a little jealousy every now and then, even if it's just a little bit. One will love it. It is also important to know that, for this type, solid demonstrations are important. Words, just, do not seduce. Never think that you will win that kitten or that boy by playing charm or saying cute things. The Earth / Water type is highly suspicious of the realm of words. They understand that anyone can say anything, but that few are the ones who demonstrate what they say. And do not forgive a lie, so watch what you do when you date someone of this astrological type!
Although types of Fire are often attracted to Air types and Water types are attracted to Earth types, it is not at all uncommon for wonderful relationships involving conflicting elements to occur. When conflicting elements meet, frictions can occur, but they lead to mutual growth. After all, without Water, Fire would never cease its incessant search for new adventures. Without Fire, Water would stagnate in an inactive slowness. Without Earth, Air would not learn to be more practical. Without Air, the Earth would always do things the same way. Without Fire, the Earth would tend to melancholy. Without Earth, Fire would never build anything at all. Without the Air, the Water would live immersed in the past. And without Water, Air would be lost in shallow social activities. As it turns out, the path of inner evolution comes more effectively when it is two. Aside from being more intense, such a path will be much more pleasurable.