Friday is the best day for Muslims. Friday has the virtues and privileges mentioned in the Qur'an. And on Friday also we as Muslims are obliged to perform the congregational prayers Friday congregation.
Many practices are unknown to many Muslims about the virtue of Friday. Though today is the best day. Even in countries in the Middle East or neighboring countries of Malaysia, always make Friday as a holiday, it is done so that the majority Muslim community can run the worship and get a remarkable benefit from Friday.
Here are the virtues and privileges of Friday:
1- Best Day
Abu Hurayrah narrated that Rasulullah bersabada: "The best day where on that day the sun rises is Friday. On that day Adam was created, put in heaven and out of it. And the apocalypse will not last except on Fridays.
2- There is a Mustajab Time to Pray.
Abu Hurayrah said the Messenger of Allah said: "Actually on Friday there is a mustajab moment when a Muslim servant performs a prayer and asks a thing to Allah at that time, surely Allah will grant it. The Messenger of God gave a gesture with his hand describing at least that time (H. Muttafaqun Alaih)
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziah - after describing the inequality of opinion as to when it is - conveys: "Among the many opinions there are two strongest, as shown in many authentic hadiths, the first time seated khatib to the completion of prayer. Secondly, after Ashar, and this is the strongest opinion of these two opinions (Zadul Ma'ad Volume I / 389-390).
3- Alms on that day are more important than alms on other days.
Ibn Qayyim said: "Alms on that day compared with alms on the other six days is like alms in the month of Ramadan in the appeal of several other months". The hadeeth of Ka'b 's explains: "And alms on that day is more glorious than any other day". (Mauquf Shahih)
4- The day when Allah SWT shows itself to His believing servants in Heaven.
A close friend of Anas bin Malik z in commenting verse: "And We have an increase" (Surah 50: 35) conveyed: "God showed themselves to them everyday Friday".
5- Big days are repeated every week
The requirement of the Friday prayer is as big as the necessity of Islam which is most preferred and as great as the gathering of the Muslim group. Whoever abandoned it (performing the Friday prayers) because underestimating it, Allah will close his heart as in the saheeh hadith narrated by Muslims.
Ibn Abbas said: Rasulullah SAW said:
"Today is the great day that Allah sets for the ummah of Islam, so who will attend the Friday prayers should shower first. "(Narrated by Ibn Majah)
6- The day of the abolition of sins
Salman Al-Pharisee says: "Who bathed on Friday, washed by the same strength, cleansed his hair, smeared perfume, and went to the mosque, and entered the mosque without any stepping over between two men to pass, then praying according to the same guidance and silence when the priest preached, must be forgiven his sins between two Jum'at ". (Narrated by Bukhari).
7- The person who walks for the Friday prayer will get a reward for each step, equivalent to the reward of worship a year of prayer and fasting.
Aus bin Ausz said: Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: "Who bathed on Friday, hurried to the mosque, and occupied the front shaft and he was silent, so each step he swallowed earned the reward of fasting and prayer for a year , and that is the easy thing for God ". (Narrated by Ahmad and Ashabus Sunan, declared shahih by Ibn Huzaimah).
8- Died the world at night Friday or afternoon that is signal Husnul Khatimah, ie released from slander (Penalty) grave.
Narrated Ibn Amru, if the Messenger of Allah said: "Every Muslim who died on the day of Friday or night, surely Allah will save him from the tomb fitnah". (Narrated by Ahmad and Tirmizi, judged by Al-Bani).
9- The most important day in the world
There are many events that took place on this Friday, including:
• Allah made Prophet Adam 'alaihissallam and memafatkannya.
• The day of Prophet Adam 'alaihissallam was put into heaven.
• The day of Prophet Adam 'alaihissallam was sent down from heaven to earth.
• The Day of Judgment.
• From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu if the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:
"The best day that the sun rises on that day is Friday, on that day Adam was created, and on that very day Adam was put into heaven, and in descending from heaven, on that very day the apocalypse will take place, on that day there is one moment where it is not a believer to pray to God to want the good except Allah will grant his request. "(Muslim)
beautiful girl ;)
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