in religion •  7 years ago  (edited)


I don't care if you are religious or not. No one should care. It should be a personal thing but it's the most powerful motivating force on the Planet.

The framers of the United States Constitution were very wise to codify Freedom of Religion in its constitution, rather than keeping with Tradition and creating a State Mandated Religion. Or State Mandated Atheism.

Personally, I've found many reasons to be an atheist or an agnostic, but the way technology is moving our global economy towards a scenario outlined in the end times prophecies foretold in the Book of Revelations in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, gives me goosebumps as a conspiracy theorist. And with the invention of the internet, RFID and now cryptocurrency, I am now becoming a believer that something nefarious is afoot; prompting me to basically delve into the supernatural world of end times prophesy.

When I hear atheists compare Islamic violence to Christian violence I have to agree but where is the outrage about Jewish violence in Palestine and Islamic violence in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. I've often said that, while still existing, official Christian violence has waned (as opposed to everyday violence between Christians), at least officially when dealing with non-independent congregations of Catholics and Protestants alike. Why is that? Has Christianity matured?

Well, I'll say this, that there have been many "Christian reformers" over the years to drag the Christian world out of that 'believe or die' mentality....

This is where we are today. Looking for those Islamic and Jewish reformers to soften them away from the ideology of threatening non believers or anti-semites with death; and looking for more of the Christian reformers who can charismatically meld us all together into a peaceful one world religion.

The first step is a one world currency and globally unified economy to start suppressing all hatred between believers of differing faiths. We aren't even close to either corner yet but cryptocurrencies and RFIDs have us closer to a one world economy than ever before. And because of the connectivity of global economy, there even seems to be collusion between Israel and Saudi Arabia; granted it's against a common enemy, Iran; but unofficial interfaith collusion is still collusion none the less.

There are lots of movies about Jesus, Moses and Noah, and religious or not, you may think that they are mis-information, but they are very powerful and moving stories regardless of fiction or historical fact.

But here's the kick off into a supernatural nefarious conspiracy: Why are there no Hollywood movies about the kings of Judah and Israel following being given the promised land being split into two kingdoms?.... And How they lost the North Kingdom to the Assyrians..... etc. Why don't people, Christians and Jews alike, teach their ordinary believers about some of these heinous characters? Characters who claimed jurisdiction over and guided the paths of ancient Judaism into the peril of idolatry and even into human sacrificing rituals.

The Ancient Nation of Israel seems to be well documented and Wikipedia even has summaries about each king which shows an easy to follow lineage and snippets about each one that "fell away" from monotheism and later "prophets" repeatedly called the people back to repentance and to the monotheistic laws, more than once..... there must have been reasons to "stray".

What were the attractions to the Dark Side I'll call it. One of the evil kings that I read about even sacrificed his son to a character named Moloch; Satan's first mate on the biblical scale after doing a bit of research. Moloch required child sacrifices and supposedly provided longevity of life for his followers. To me this Sounds similar to the spirit cooking being practiced by some of the elite like Marina Abromovic and the alleged child molesters John and Tony Podesta. Ie Comet Ping Pong story. (John Podesta was Hillary Clinton's Chairman of Her Campaign.) Are they using children to extend their lives like in the ancient rumors of witches eating children? Was there or is there evidence of it being an effective practice? Or is just something they do to get the adrenaline flowing?

Where did this practice of the Jews falling away and worshiping other gods and idols and even child sacrifice begin? Where is Moloch first mentioned? Inquiring minds want to know! In Genesis apparently God had commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac who later told him not to (wasn't his first born) and in Exodus we can read that God wanted all of their first born males.... I'd like to know more about why that commandment is no longer practiced by the Jews. But religious schools are at an impasse for distributing agreement on that info.

From my observations the bottom line is that the ancient Jews believed that they were the chosen People of God and while perusing apocrypha and modern historians concept of God they have fallen away from their professed truth many times and as a result of that I assume they were taken into bondage repeatedly for losing faith.....if one believes in such things.

It appears even to the casual objective reader of the story line of this history that When they were effectively chastised and the people were effectively called to repentance they were given the promised land - Israel. But fell away again and again; then were ravaged by the Romans and eventually denied Jesus as the Christ and martyred him.

My personal conclusion of the Christian story Is that as a result, for both crimes, God allowed the Roman and Jewish empires to be destroyed and the Jews scattered as a result.

To Recap: In ancient times the Jews claimed to have had prophets who communed with God for his word often needing to call them back to the law, sacrifices, and traditions prior to the coming of the perfect lamb. If Christ was not that lamb then where are the Jewish Prophets Today? How were the Jews able to be scattered if they were still chosen of God? How have they repented to deserve holy residence in the holy lands?

Believers Truth, is that they haven't and don't deserve it beyond the humanist capabilities of conquest but yes possibly with some divine intervention; not from God but from that demon Moloch who will rebuild and raise the Antichrist to sit on it's throne one-day....

It is prophesied that in the last days the Jews will rebuild Solomons temple and the Messiah will reign over earth from that place. In the Book of Revelations it twists that into saying that the Antichrist will reign there after creating a one world economy and religion forcing all mankind to worship him as God.

Again, A quick Study Jewish history and you'll find the ancient peoples falling away and turning to worship the dark lord of immediate gratification; even that demon moloch his lead general.

I now believe that most Jews and Christians have no, (zero), understanding of their own history. The Christians accepting sin based on revised bibles and the Jews are simply comfortable following the traditions outlined in the Talmud with no understanding of why the law of sacrifice was implemented in the first place and why it's no longer practiced; even by them. But the current Hegemony must worship Moloch and it is he who still sits atop the modern Israeli and U.S. Hegemonies even if the tribal members are simply following the Talmudic script.

Regardless of scientific reality or supernatural capabilities it is possible that they will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem because it's what they do. Expand and build settlements and temples.

The Jews will rebuild the Temple. We will have a one world economy. We will be enjoying a one world religion and world peace will be on the horizon and the Jewish Prophesied Messiah will be found like the Tibetan monks finding the Dali lama.

Sounds Good doesn't it? The only thing standing in the way will be the United States Constitution which declares and secures freedom of as well as from religion!

But once they claim the Messiah has come and peace is enforced and a one world religion is created and people are forced to worship him, will he be the real Messiah or will they have just raised the Anti-Christ to sit on its throne creating global peace through the new world order, a single global electronic currency attempting to usher in the end of Christianity and Islam and eventually the destruction of the bill of Rights that protects our freedom to worship how we want to or to Ignore the Fraud and endure the tribulations he causes non believers in him.

In order to be forced to worship their Messiah they must destroy our Bill of Rights causing much tribulations for the believing Christians. And possibly even the United States itself. To separate us from our right to worship how we please or not to.

If Jesus Be the True Christ..... this my friends..... will usher in the rapture, the second coming of The Jesus Christ and shortly following, bringing on God's wrath. (Read Revelations in the New Testament).

If the prophecies come true watch out for trouble. And Evacuate the United States of America. Because Israel will destroy Babylon (USA) to enforce the rule of their supposed Messiah. It will have to come from our ally to secure a nuclear victory only an ally such as Israel would be able to short circuit an American Nuclear Response.

Things to look out for:

  • Rebuilding The Solomons Temple.
  • One world currency/economy.
  • No Cash or Physical Money Allowed.
  • One world religion. All Melding into one.
  • Destruction of the United States Bill of Rights, to eliminate freedom of religion.
    *Rev. 18:11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more. (Currently that's the United States buys everything and has to be destroyed to eliminate our Bill of Rights.)

Therefore, no one should be Supporting One Currency, a Cashless society or a One Religion or any country who claims to be Sectarian in their laws supporting Christian, Talmudic or Sharia - religious based laws; if you want to stave off the End of the World as we know it, keep them separated; So beware of peace through involuntary unification.

Now I believe that the goal of Satan is to cause all humanity to worship him while at the same time providing enough hope for peace, pleasure and pain and down right obfuscation of prophesy, that most people will be fooled and refuse the gift of Jesus of Eternal Life in him by simply Believing in him, his name and his grace without works or labor beyond repentance being altruistic charitable change.

Is it really possible to change the course of the New World Order? To Nullify the Prophesies in the Book of Revelations? Should we try? How?


The Devil's Master Plan for the End Times:

The name of God:

Hebrew Roots Movement exposed: Part 1

Hebrew Roots Movement Exposed: Part 2

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I wan't to believe in God(s) and true objective morality, but I haven't found solid evidence/proof yet. I only wish to believe in something I can rationally prove. Have you found any?

Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only path to God the Father, and the forgiveness of your sins.

The existence of the Bible itself, especially the gospels and the rest of the New Testament and what it says is proof that Jesus walked on this earth 2000 years ago. The manuscripts that exist and the number of them is a miracle itself. The gospels weren't written until sometime after Jesus's death but well within the timeframe of when eye witnesses to what he did were still alive. There is no evidence that suggests that the person of Jesus didn't exist. The question becomes, do you believe that he did and said what the gospels say he did. If so, then you need to look at these things and make a conscious decision as to what that implies.

There were enough Christians alive and in Rome, which in those days was not a close journey to Jerusalem, that Nero was able to blame the burning of Rome on the Christians in 90 AD. Where did those people come from if Jesus isn't who he said he is and did the things he did?

"Where did those people come from if Jesus isn't who he said he is and did the things he did?"
Couldn't it be by persuasion or fooling?

Where is the record of people saying they were being fooled? Jesus appeared to many many people, which is highly documented both in the Bible and in historical records like Josephus.

It's not like today, when if you say you're a Christian, people say, that's nice for you.

Nero was burning Christians alive for their faith and feeding them to the lions. This is the time period during which the eye witnesses were alive. Would you be burned alive or fed to lions, willingly, for something that you were unsure of?

This, still, wouldn't prove God's existence. Even if the miracles that Jesus performed was true, this doesn't validate, say, the moral principles nor afterlife described in the Bible.

Yes, but his death, burial and resurrection do prove the afterlife described in the Bible.

Another thing to look at are the hundreds of prophecies that were in the Old Testament books about the coming of the Messiah. Jesus perfectly fulfills these. The great news is, we have the dead sea scrolls which were found very recently in history and carbon dated to 500BC. That's 500 years before Jesus came and fulfilled the prophecies contained in those scriptures.

I agree that the New Testiment was written by believers and show how he fulfilled the prophesies but there are plenty of writings by Jewish Scholars that contradict how the messiah would reveal himself one specifically mentions that The Lord would never humble himself as Jesus did, if I remember correctly. But from a current modern day viewpoint, as I've said before, the Book of Revelations prophesies coming to pass will be proof enough for me because I once considered them impossible but now I see how they can come true. As outlined in this post.

Isaiah 53 is the best example of fulfillment of the old testament.

My suggestion would be to either read one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) or at least listen to one of them being told. Here's a great performance of the Gospel of Mark (about an hour to watch the entire thing) -

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Rational Proof for God(s)? Unfortunately no except the fact that this planet exists as an oasis in a galaxy where no one has proven any other life. I choose to believe in a creator because the mathematical odds of a single planet in this situation are astronomical as an anomaly however those odds of an unseen deity go down with each discovery of an inhabited planet(s) in our galaxy. And by extension.... the universe.

This post is presenting a conspiracy theory that the modern creation of crypto currencies could be the mechanism for the End Times Phrophesies in the Book of Revelations to come true.

Also that's why I was asking if anyone has any testimony if the power of moloch because after reading a bit about the god and the ancient hollo idol it's fn creepy.

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