RE: You Are A Muslim, Child of Abraham

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You Are A Muslim, Child of Abraham

in religion •  6 years ago 

No, I'm not a Muslim. Islam is a creation of Satan from the 600's.

No, Muslims don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah. Muslims deny that Jesus is the son of God. They deny that he died on the cross. By denying those things they deny the real Jesus and the Father that sent him.

Show us in the Koran where you got all this nonsense.

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I can show you many places in the Quran that support what I have said. Where are you getting your information? Do you know that there has been a great disinformation campaign, a sort of a information War, waged against the truth of what Islam is. Many people have told lies and made up false information about Islam. What you have said is not true. What I have said is true.

The only reason anyone is not Muslim is if they do not submit their will to the will of God, the God of Abraham and Moses and Jesus.

La religión es libre arbitrio