RE: The Key To Unlock Religious Indoctrination

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The Key To Unlock Religious Indoctrination

in religion •  7 years ago 

Is it a lie if they believe it to be true? Organized religion is only good in its intentions. Are there some who knowingly use it to deceive. Probably. You can only hope they reap what they sow.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh, YES - Flat out seem to have taken a philosophical approach to my question...when it was very literal.

Sorry, I completely disagree with you about "organized religion is only good in its intentions" as you seem to imply there were 'good intentions'

NEVER. Only to control the ignorant masses, and as a tool of DECEPTION to get those same folks to participate in Luciferian Satanic Rituals - as they've done with this one

Religion - Communion.jpg

........BODY & The BLOOD (ever hear about ALL of the "missing children"???)

(there are MANY others, such as this next one - MANY PARTICIPATED in today...btw)

Ash Wednesday - Mark of the Beast.jpg

They get a REAL "kick" out of these types of things, but the 'real energy' comes from the FEAR
(like that induced in the children our so-called "leaders" use for their worship services)

And, from THE MASSES with False Flag attacks - all over the world.

The question is what percentage believe the lies themselves and what percentage uses it by lying for personal gain. I’m not sure I could answer that question but I would say the great majority believe what they tell you. But yes I’m not disagreeing.

See, when I say "lying" - I use the phrase as a verb to mean speaking something untruthful.

You seem to be confusing it with 'delusion' - which just about everyone in this world currently is.

No, this IS a Catholic phenomena that is somehow encouraged behavior - as I distinctly see this trend. Its just odd...and I'd really love to better understand it.
It seems to me that it may be because of "confession" as this is a unique differential from other mass brainwashing 'charitable' organizations SOP.

But, years ago, I knew a Catholic who was honest (and I have known some, but it seemed easier to find that - years ago) and he always used the expression that "You'll go to hell, for lying" as though that was accepted dogma.

Anyway, thanks for the chat - perhaps you will also start noticing this odd behavior now also?

Rather than use the term lie I would say they are sharing their interpretation of a myth. Historically myth has been used to embody cosmic principles so the average person can understand. In ancient Egypt they used myth to help all society understand concepts they thought were important to understand.

I am aware of the rampant pedophilia in Catholicism. They use what the ancients called priest craft to blackmale individuals to make them obedient. First what they do is make a market out of human desire by saying it's wrong. Then in private confession when a child confesses about his disobedience the priest can then say...hey Tommy, if you don't want your mom to find out you have to do this for me. Then the person becomes enslaved.

Is that what you were wondering about?

Modern Christianity has brought the symbols of mythology to life. That is a serious error. They weren't originally intended to be taken literal.

No, that is NOT "what I was wondering about" at all.

I stated my initial question very succinctly - I don't know any other way than to respond with an example

"I was at the airport today".
When, in fact - they were no where near it.

Its just as simple as that.

Catholics seem to have a 'license to lie'.
I was only asking YOU (as your alleged experience as a 'member of the clergy' of the INDOCTRINATION OF HUMANITY and to perpetrate many OTHER LIES as you were instructed - might have to offer on the subject.

DeNial ain't a river in Egypt.

Ok sorry you said a few different things. What did you notice them lying about? Doctrine or was it just everyday issues they would lie about? I'm just trying to get an idea.