I also believe Buddhism .... what do you think.

in religion •  8 years ago 

Your Opinions....

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I'm in a weird place, currently. I have a very deep appreciation (affection) for the concepts within Zen (separated from Buddhism) but I don't know enough about the Buddhism itself to give a full opinion. There are things I have heard and read about Buddhism that I'm leary of, but most of these are things that also bother me about some people who profess Christianity. I very much admire the concept of living a life that will benefit other, regardless of whether you're a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, Wiccan or anything really.

In general I'm already going through a learning/growing season in my life and where I used to be scared to hear anything Buddhism could possibly teach me, I'm now desiring any and all things I can learn to bring me closer to what I understand as G-d and a better life lived for the benefit of others.

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