Understanding duality in order to influence culture.

in religion •  8 years ago  (edited)


When one undergoes the pursuit of self-analytical introspection via the psychedelic experience, it becomes obvious that the way our consciousness has evolved is in an inherently dualistic polarity of understanding. One of the oldest myths incorporated into the western psyche is the story of Adam and Eve. In this ancient allegorical doctrine, Adam and Eve eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When they ate of this tree, they then had the realization of gender and their initial impulse was to cover their genitalia. Within this seemingly arbitrary story is a pseudo-occult understanding of the first revelation within mankind's attempt in understanding the universe. Under the teaching tree of duality emerges the understanding of the archetypes of good and evil, man and woman, black and white, beginning and end, human and god and so on and so forth. The reality is that most things in this life are beheld within a spectrum of grey murkiness. Morality seems black and white as a child, but becomes more grey as we ourselves become withered and grey. Our thoughts and theories painted linguistically upon reality are becoming increasingly grey. People are more willing to admit now days that they are unsure of the presence of a divine and all powerful god. To believe or disbelieve in this concept seems naive to me. I think it is a very mature stance to live within the mystery of not knowing. Physics upholds a set of laws that can be calculated and quantified. However quantum physics seemingly exists in a inconstant state of unpredictable anarchy. Thus our view of reality slides further toward the middle on the spectrum of light and of darkness. Does the universe follow laws or are they only laws because we define them as such?

I like to think paradoxically in terms of duality whilst still bearing in mind that most answers rest in the mystical middle of the mercurial mystery. I think it is a very useful tool for understanding reality as such. The government and the corporations that appear to have humanity by the balls probably are not going to save the world and the minds of generations to come. That is not to say that all of the people associated with these groups are evil per say. It is likely that sometimes, some of them are evil and sometimes, some of them are not evil. I believe that we, the creators of art must take hold the responsibility of creating in order to battle the destructive tendencies of the people that are holding the vast majority of financial influence. The most Powerful influence over the destructive forces that govern our reality is our ability to create. Creation destroys destruction. Destruction, like darkness is not a thing in and of itself, but rather a lack there of. Just as an entire room filled with darkness can be destroyed by the luminous creation of one flickering little flame, destruction is destroyed through the act of creation.

We must push ourselves to write stories of empowerment. We must become dedicated in creating artefacts of liberation in order to dissolve the powers of the patriarchy and once again establish a balance within gender, race, sexuality and ideological leanings. By creating provocative masterpieces, we the people will seize the remote control of society and change the cultural programming to a tale of utopia rather than that of apocalypse. The most effective way to battle destruction is through the act of creation.

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Source- http://www.jordoneggleston.com/writings/2015/2/3/understanding-duality-in-order-to-influence-culture

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