Why Believe in God

in religion •  9 years ago  (edited)

I am not here to try to convince anyone of the existence of God: You either believe, or you don't, and nothing my simple words say will change that. Rather, my purpose is to explore why so many humans do believe, even individuals who, like me, have heroes such as Galileo and Stephen Hawking (who is an atheist).

A favorite parable of the believer to try to convince an atheist of God goes something like this:

You are walking along the beach and find a gold watch hidden in the sand. You pick it up and marvel at its intricate gears and perfect time. You would like to find its owner, because such a beautiful piece of clockwork could very well be an heirloom. You know that some visitor must have left it there, because the beach couldn't have created it by itself.

It needed some intelligence to create it. Therefore God MUST HAVE created the Universe, because it is far more intricate than a gold watch.

Nice parable, but it's got some issues. It wouldn't convince any atheist who has any bit of education. Heavens, it doesn't convince me, and I'm a Christian.

If I were still an atheist, I would respond, "The earth is not a gold watch on the beach of the Milky Way River. You'd be surprised what 13 billion years could accomplish in the cosmos. Alot mote than a few years on an Earth beach."

The truth is, the Earth was created, humans were created. Any hardened atheist would tell you the Universe created you with a big bang and billions of yeard of exploding stars, random events, and evolution.

The real question is, Did the Universe know or care what it was doing?

The believer says Yes!
The non-believer says No.

Many of you reading this have different ideas of what the term god means. He/she/it has many names: Brahma, Allah, and Jehovah are only a few.

Names are irrelevant, other than as titles in the particular language they come from. Many of you humans out there on steemit use aliases (likely, the bots use their own names!) especially if you are a gamer. You are known by many names, too.

Brahma is "the ultimate formless metaphysical reality and cosmic soul in Hinduism" according to wikipedia. He is the Creator, he fills the all of everything. Might we say he is a personification of spacetime?

"Allah" is the term for God among all Arab peoples, whether Islamic, Jewish, or Christian. He is the Creator.

"Jehovah" I find especially interesting. The name is the latinized form of the Hebrew Yahweh, and translates as "I am."

I am what?

Given that there is not an object to the sentence, maybe it refers to everything. It can't be narrowed down so it's left as-is to be interpreted however a believer needs it to be. I will translate it, then, as I exist or existence. That is, sum of everything, everything thst exists. Or, in other words, The Universe. Atheists might think of it as Spacetime.

So, what Christians and Jews interpret as God, atheists might consider as science, using the same words. The confusion and disagreement arise when we don't realize what a name actually means.

Again, the question is, Did the Universe know what it was doing when it created you?


Illustration of Neural Network

Large Scale Structure of the Universe

Something interesting to consider, though this is an observation, not a point of evidence:

Humans and animals share many characteristics. All vertebrates posess a similar bone structure. Chimpanzees make and use tools. Ravens can solve complex puzzles in order to get at food.

Birds and butterflies follow complex routes passed on from generation to generation. Elephants and dogs love and protect their young. Many animals communicate using calls that can be translated into a primitive language; chimpanzees and gorillas can learn American Sign Language.

Even my dog understands human words when I give a command.

What really separates humans from animals: We are the only entities on earth who look up at the sky and wonder how the stars got there. Why do we crave to know?

Birds and termites build elaborate nests, but only humans build temples and observatories.

Wolves and bison fight over food and the right to pass on genes; only humans fight over ideologies. Why do we seek a Creator? Why do we seek tje origin of everything?

I don't care what God you worship (as evidenced by the Flying Spaghetti Monster at the beginning), or if your devotion is spent at the end of your telescope... provided your God teaches you to love and respect others, avoid violence and intolerance, and to make the world a better place for everyone and everything. I'd be an atheist, too, if I were expected to believe in a God at the expense of my reason, (but that's the topic of a future post: Religion and Science: The Why and How of the Universe).

So, to the atheists out there, don't assume I am deluded and stupid just because I am a believer. I know and love astrophysics and the history of the Universe as well as you do. My brand of religion accepts science and all truth as one of its tenets. Science and Religion don't have to be mutually exclusive, any more than the questions Why and How.

I believe in a loving, all knowing God because when I look up at the sky at night, I don't just see stars or a massive emptiness.

When I see my daughter, I see so much more than her body. She pulses with life and intelligence beyond her shell, and this is what I sense effervescing through spacetime. Maybe you might assume it's just my active (and deluded) imagination. Maybe.

But I am not telling you what to think; rather, I am inviting you into my point of view in hopes you will sense some beauty.

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The problem, I think, that many have with the traditional depictions of God is that there is this anthropomorphizing going on. God shares numerous qualities with men (most notably emotions) and we all know that humans and all life forms have deep, deep flaws. To anthropomorphize God is to take away his supposed omnipotence, which seems to be a contradiction.

If you were to simply say that God is the universe itself and has no form, function, or identity, then there's nothing to gain from using such a definition. You might as well just say 'the universe'.

Jesus is about as anthropomorphic as it gets except we are created in God's image, not the other way around.

I did not say God has no form, function, or identity. I said we call him by many titles (we don't have an actual name that is not a title). His function is to create life and help his children (us) to progress into eternity. Maybe I'll make a future post on that.

His form is more difficult to define. How would a cell of your body define your body, when it could only see a few millimeters around itself? I've heard it said that if you can fit God in your mind, you have made Him too small. Most people, belivers and non-belivers alike, know so little about what God is really like and yet like to argue and point fingers of condemnation to anyone who disagrees. I'd rather build on common ground and learn as much as I can about all view points.

I have no problem anthropomorphizing God. Maybe we have emotions, intelligence, and passions because He created us to be like Him.

Thanks for your reply! It's great to start conversations.

Oh sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you were saying God has no form. I was trying to outline two differing perspectives.

I am also in no way saying that if an omnipotent being were to exist that we'd have any means of comprehending such a being. On the contrary, something which is infinite couldn't possibly be understood by creatures with finite cognitive capabilities.

My point was that emotions are imperfect and therefore any being which can be affected by emotions couldn't be considered perfect. Maybe we'll have to agree to disagree on this point?

No problem, glad to learn about and discuss different points of view. :)

Unless you consider the fact that, unlike what Vulcans may tell you, emotions are good and part of the Design. The Lord only gets angry after putting up with stuff a very long time.

God, who is perfect, can handle His emotions perfectly. His biggest emotion is LOVE. To say emotions are bad, I think, takes a little of the devine out of us. It is one of our purposes in life to learn to use our emotions to benefit others. Overcome the natural man and become more like God.

I really enjoyed this article and if I didn't know better I would be inclined to believe an argument like this.

All the other gods that humans have imagined may one day get together and agree that any of them is free to say they created the universe. But there is one God who doesn't play nice with man-made paths to heaven.

Jesus Christ has made it very clear that "No one comes to the Father but by me."

God is a jealous god and nothing peeves him more than humans giving credit to other gods for his magnificent creation. John 3:16 always gets cut off with the loving part of Jesus words. Read the strictness in the verses which follow:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

A few verses later John the Baptist repeats the message even more bluntly:

Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on them.

So I would be remiss not to point this out.

Thanks for your comment!

I, too, am a Christian.
My purpose with this article was to build on common beliefs, even with atheists.

I am reminded of a passage in CS Lewis's book, The Last Battle. In it there are followers of Aslan and followers of Tash, who is a demon. There is a man, Emeth, who is devoted to Tash because that is what he was taught, but who did good works and was full of love his whole life. When Emeth finally meets Aslan, he is told, "all the service thou hast done to Tash, I accept as service done to me... no service which is vile can be done to me, and none which is not vile can be done to him."

My point is that while Jesus is the sole source of salvation, it is less important what you call him; even among Christians, His name changes based on language.

Not everyone is ready or willing to submit their lives to Him. However, it is good when people follow his teaching to love one another because love is always good (Paul teaches it is the only thing that matters, but that's a subject of a future article) . Love gets people headed in the right direction and makes the world a good place to live.

I have wondered / hoped that Jesus might do that, but the verses I include above make me hesitant to assert that as a teaching. There is one verse, however, that I might stretch to hint at this:

…Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” When the disciples heard this they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”… --Matthew 19:24-26

Still, I'm not recommending taking any chances. :o)

Certainly, take no chances! Follow Jesus with all your heart.
This article is targeted towards atheists, so I had to take a different approach, since they don't care about scriptures. =o)

You have an excellent out look on life. I feel worship belongs to the Earth and whoever created it was the true life force. I am neither an Atheist or major believer, but I love Life and thank whoever made this everyday..:)

Beautiful way to look at it! I feel that life force when I experience nature or astronomy. Living a life of gratitude will bring you joy!

Beautiful post. I also posted something similar today and was pointed to this post by @williambanks I am glad he did so, Wanted to share my link and hope it doesn't bug you ;)
Hey Science, It's me Religion. Sorry?

I'm so glad @williambanks introduced us! Sorry it's been so long to respond, my internet connection has been horribly spotty. I just posted a blog called Science and Religion: The How and Why of the Universe. Take a look at it!


I also really enjoyed the link you posted. We have a lot to share, I think!

I have a hard time going through what @stan pointed in his post. I see Christians feel that is the right way and that is nature of god. Then I don't believe in God who is like that, or in other words I believe God is much more than that. If all those who don't believe in Jesus will be perished, or won't have eternal life only based on that fact it's completely absurd. To make a contribution to your post I often say that those who believe in something are much stronger than those that do not have beliefs and therefore they are easier to manipulate. From beliefs comes strength, but all that we see and know should be questioned, our beliefs especially since also beliefs of people make them susceptible for manipulation​.

Many Christians have a very rigid view of salvation (getting saved, going to heaven).

I am going to write a blog about this to go into more detail, but basically, while I believe Jesus is the one who gets us into heaven, he will give us every opportunity and have each individual taught in a way they can understand. Death is not the end of our ability to choose and learn.

I don't believe "sinners" will be punished forever because they didn't bother to go to church, or because they broke a few commandments. I believe they will have a clear view of the consequences of their sins (murderers will get a clear sense of the anguish they have caused, for instance). Once they choose to turn away from their sins and fill their hearts with love, they too will be redeemed (get to heaven).

God wants his children to be happy, he wants us with him.