Dear Diary: Holy Week Of The CatholicssteemCreated with Sketch.

in religion •  6 years ago  (edited)


That is not a holy but an evil day really because for one whole year you are an addict, a thug, alcoholic, gambler then comes the "HolyWeek" you will feel like you are Christ cutting your backs and making it bleed by self-flagellation or carrying a cross and then making yourself nailed on a cross with nails soaked in alcohol, what a joke.

The people who are nailed on the cross is supposed to die on the cross while you yourselves are afraid of tetanus LOL. So is there a commandment from Christ to flagellate yourself? Is it true that the ones who is striking Christ was the Roman soldiers? How could you be save if half of your body is Christ and half is a Roman soldier or a Jew, now that is funny.

penitence vice.jpg

Those are just all inventions of Catholicism and the evidence that it is not working really is that after your "penitence" you are back with your old ways, you are sill a thief, gambler, alcoholic, a drug addict, a gossiper, etc.

And how can you be truly a Christian if your Holy Week is one week only? To a real Christian everyday must be holy as written in the bible and it reads;

Romans 12: 1 12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship

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I have never seen the celebration in my area, but I have watched it on TV. It's just that I was horrified to see the person doing this ritual appear bloody.