in religion •  7 years ago 


Any one who desires to make progress in life must try as much as possible to locate the right place and the right people to relate with. Just as fish cannot survive outside water, so it is difficult for human being to make progress in a wrong environment or by staying around negative and unproductive people. In Matthew 13:1-23, Jesus told a parable of sower whose seeds fell on different kinds of soils. Human beings are like seeds, the location you are planted will determine the kind of result your life would produce. Plant planted in a good/fertile soil germinates, flourishes, and produces good fruits. But a plant in a bad/infertile soil will never produce good result.
You must plant yourself around good, positive, productive and result-oriented people. The kind of association you keep determines the type of result you are going to produce. Whatever relationship that does not add value to your life is likely to take away value from your life. Do away with such relationships without further delay. Make efforts to put an end to every ungodly and unproductive relationship or association capable of limiting your progress. Look around you and locate quality and wonderful people who are living life purposefully, get closer to them and establish productive relationship with them, so that your life can move forward in the right direction.

Abraham never became God’s plan for his life until he separated from Lot; his brother. The reason you are not making progress could be as a result of your closeness with certain people. Prayerfully ask God to open your spiritual eyes to know those you need to discard for your life to move forward.

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