Exposing the Catholic Church Hypocrisy & Other Churches - Part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in religion •  8 years ago  (edited)

 The Curious Church Teaching Debate on Relics & Veneration


Summery of facts: In 3 “ecumenical councils” there were solemn pronouncements on the subject—and for quite different reasons. 

(1) At the Council of Nicea II (a.d. 787) there were those who sought such a pure religion that they were totally against any representation of Christ or the saints in images, and they also rejected relics. 

St. John Damascene (d. ca. 749): and the Church defending the legitimacy of icons and relics drew on his teaching: homage or respect is not really paid to an inanimate object, but to the holy person, and indeed the veneration of a holy person, was considered an honour paid to God!!!. 

(2) At the Fourth Lateran Council (1215) the Church condemned such abuses, but defended the good use of relics! This issue was an abuse of relics, false relics and exaggerations. 

(3) At the Reformation the idea of relics was again attacked. This time the Council of Trent in 1563 defended the veneration of relics. 

The 3 points “do not do” of the 2nd Commandment 

Going back to the 3 points previously mentioned

1) Not to make any graven images or likeness that is in heaven, on earth or in the waters

2) Do not bow to them

3) Do not serve them

Some Catholics even DARE to say that as Christ gave us liberty, now they can do what they want, and they can interpret the Commandments how they want!

Christ came not to undo the LAW (Matt. 5:17) and the prophets!

So who is wrong, Christ or the Church?

•We see that nowadays the above 3 points are thoroughly broken, and all 3 of them by popes.
Want proof, read on…

 How would you classify the pope, as one to follow or not?

A) The pope claims to be closest to God, or

B) The "lowest of the low", and it is written in Matt. 5 v 19 and Luke 13 v 25-27 ?

"Anyone who breaks the least of the COMMANDments and teaches others to do the same (e.g. bowing down to graven images) is the least in the Kingdom of heaven.“  The next slides may help you make a better informed conclusion. Read on... 

What did pope Francesco do before being inaugurated as pope? 

•This pope is a Marian, a Madonna lover.  He prepares to honor an idol of her, with flowers:

•Rather than do not serve them, the pope “serves” the idols!

Bowing down & serving the idol by the pope -  the full set of 3 prohibitions of the 2nd Commandment is complete! 

 Who promotes the “queen of heaven” idolatry? 

 •The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is the front runner that loves to incoronate the Madonna with crowns. Other (orthodox, protestants…) churches do also have these idols. 

•This is one more proof that the RCC is behind the reverse engineering of what is Biblical.

•The Church honours the “traditions of the fathers”, and Christ warns us sternly against “traditions of men”! 

•(Mark 7 v 9 and Matt. 15 v 1-9. 

•"By your TRADITIONS you make the COMMANDments of God of NO effect.”) 

 So is it possible that the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is the Whore of Revelation? 

•Let us first see what the Bible says:-

•MATT 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least COMMANDments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of heaven.

•Is this not a teaching to the whole world how to break just one important Commandment? The RCC breaks more than one Commandment! They turned God’s Holy Day from Saturday to Sunday, besides bearing false witness.

 Need more proof about the errors of the churches? 

•Foundation of Church etc: http://jahtruth.net/darth.htm

More information and links:

•Easter /Resurrection • http://jahtruth.net/passnot.htm

•Virgin Mary • http://jahtruth.net/mary.htm

•Mary Worship • http://jahtruth.net/qofhevn.htm

•On priests, rabbis, imams • http://jahtruth.net/rabbis.htm

•Christmas • http://jahtruth.net/xmas.htm

•Second Coming of Christ • http://jahtruth.net/emmau2.htm

•The Key • http://thewayhomeorfacethefire.net

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