From the look of things, hardly any divorcee will make it to Heaven

in religion •  7 years ago 

I haven’t been to Heaven but I have been reliably informed about it through the Holy Bible. I have also taken interest to listen and read on testimonies of people that have been taken in visions by Jesus into Heaven. Visions and dreams are Biblical and therefore I have no reason to reject a revelation that is supported by scripture. Putting all these together, I have this conviction that hardly any divorcee will make it to Heaven. When I say Heaven, I mean the one that is described in the Holy Bible. Surely this Heaven is not the one that Muslims and other religions talk about because the Heaven of the God of Christians has a condition of purity.    

The Purity of Heaven 

The Holy Bible given to mankind as the infallible Word of God is the same Bible that is quoted in the pure Heaven it talks about. If live by what the Bible says, you are safe from the wrath of God set for all those that disobey His commandments.  

Revelation 21:27 states it clearly that ‘nothing that impure will enter into it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life’. These terms are given by the Master of Heaven, God Himself. The master has said, ‘For I hate divorce…’ in Malachi 2:16. How then does one who have divorced hope to turn that around when he or she approaches the gates of Heaven?   

Impurities amongst humans 

Jesus confirms God’s position on divorce when He said, ‘But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery’ Matthew 5:33. It is true that if one partner commits a sexually impure act, the partner can opt for a divorce. Sadly, even in such a case the Bible still expect us to forgive each other. If you are a Christian, you are expected to forgive others as God has forgiven you. This is what Jesus teaches in His disciples to be part of their prayer ‘and forgive us our sins, for also we ourselves forgive every one indebted to us…’ (Luke 11:4), because it matters. I fear that most divorcees will be rejected in Heaven’s gates for the sole reason of failing to forgive their spouses.  

There are so many impurities that come with divorce. Think of any sin, it is a potential component of a divorce. Let me take the list of sins given by Jesus in Like 7:21 - 22: ‘sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly’. These and many more are impurities that defile a soul and make it unworthy for Heaven.    


We live in a terrible world. This world is full of sin such that it seems impossible to live a life as pure as that which God requires. It is true; entering into Heaven is not a joke. Do not be deceived by the many Christians that put grace in front of obeying God’s commandments. This is about your soul and it is a very personal issue. Doing something about it before the cut off time, which is death, where you shall face judgment would save your soul from eternal damnation.   

I’m writing the article out of love for your soul as well as mine. To me, the message is that I should never even think about divorce whatever the case. To those that are thinking of it, the message is that they should pray to God for help to make up and live together. To the divorced, the option of remarrying is recommend. To those who have moved on to marry others, seek God’s guidance and you better be sure God approves of how you handle your situation. I implore you to love your soul because hell is just not an option. If we fully comprehend what hell is, we would do all things possible to remain on God’s side.  

I am very grateful to God that I’m still not divorced and that He protects us (me and my wife) from things that could lead to pressures that could lead to a divorce. Each time I’m reminded of the risks of losing eternal life due to divorce, I pray to God to protect my family.    


God’s Word never changes. There is nothing a man can do to change what God has instructed. The same Bible that we read in this world is the same Bible that will be used to judge us. This may sound as a threat yet it is one painful truth that many have discovered when it is too late. 

Trust me; the angels of God are much closer than we think. Help is only a prayer away. Cry before God about your situation while He can help you and make good with Him.  Be blessed.  

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