The existence of God (Allah)

in religion •  6 years ago 

Hey guys,three days go,I discussed some point and evidence on the existence of God(Allah),in my previous post,I even named some point and evidence that God(Allah) exist and now I'll also be dropping some point about that now.

Now let's get to another point of the existence of God(Allah)

The universal laws indicate the existence of a great designer and controller
We observe that everything in existence has its form,it's design and it's pattern and nature.


A cow is always a cow in its nature and qualities,it doesn't try and bark like a dog or to grow feathers and fly like a bird,it's form and it's type of behaviours have been programmed into it before it was born,the Almighty Allah says of his role as designer:

"Extol the limitless glory of your sustainer's name:(the glory of)of all highest,who creates (everything),and thereupon form it in accordance with what it is meant to be,and who determines the nature(of all that exists),and thereupon guides it(towards its fulilment),and who brings forth herbage,and thereupon causes it to decay and into rust brown stubble". (Qu'ran: suratul al-a'la 87:1-5)

We also observe that the world and those parts of the universe which we can see,obey basic regular laws of behaviours which eventually makes it possible to predict certain event and forecast weather.

For example,we know that because of the spinning of the earth,we shall have night and day at times that can be exactly predicted.we all know that due to the titled axis of the earth,we shall have changing season at predictable times of the year.There is order in the universe,not chaos or random movement.Allah draws attention to this as evidence of his role as controller:

"And (they have sign in) the sun:it runs in an orbit of it's own_(and) that is laid down by the will of the Almighty,the All-knowing; and(in)the moon,for which we have determined phases(which it must traverse)till it becomes like an old stalk,dried up and curved:(and)neither may the sun overtake the moon,nor can the night usurp the time of day,since all of them float through the space(in accordance with laws)."(Qur'an: surah ya-sin: 36:38_40

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