Attention!!! Attention!!! Attention!!!

in religion •  7 years ago 

Who is in fact annexation God?..

BOWEN UNIVERSITY N650,000 per semester

COVENANT UNIVERSITY N640,000 per semester

BENSON IDAHOSA N500,000 per semester

BABCOCK UNIVERSITY N450,000 per semester

REDEEMERS UNIVERSITY N450,000 per semester


MADONNA UNIVERSITY N350,000 per semester.

All these UNIVERSITIES were congenital from TITHES and

OFFERINGS of the accepted humans who now can't afford

to forward their accouchement to these schools today.

Where is the behavior and responsibilities of the

churches as alms in Nigeria?

What is the aberration amid abbey and political administration in Nigeria?

These schools were all congenital with the sweats of their abbey associates who kept sowing seeds like:

-special alms seeds

-first bake-apple seed,

-redemption seed,

-thanksgiving seed,

-harvest seed,


-pastor's seed,

-church architecture seed,

-evangelism seed,

-father's day seed,

-mother's day seed,

-children' day seed,

-Pastor's block seed,

-olive oil seed....etc.

These schools are now elite

schools, alone for the rich

politician children.

The gainers afresh use the profits to buy clandestine planes & jets to fly up top in luxury, ride Exotic Cars and reside in big-ticket Mansions, while their members, (who are mostly the atomic of Jesus people) beddy-bye hungry.

The next Sunday, they will apprehend Malachi 3:6-12 to these associates afresh after authoritative advertence to Deuteronomy 14:22-29 about their own albatross to these poor associates in their churches.

If you anticipate this is unfair, like me, amuse canyon on this bulletin because this is absoluteness and we aswell charge the CHANGE here!!!

Thank God for aboriginal missionaries who congenital schools and gave basic

education FREE or NEAR FREE to abounding of us including the CURRENT LEADERSHIP of these churches and universities.

The TRUTH is a absinthian bolus to swallow.




John Knox prayed: "Lord, Accord me Scotland or I die"...

St Patrick, a asperous accepter that Brought even asleep animals and copse aback to activity prayed: "God, Accord me souls or accord me annihilation else"....

Brethren during the Hebrides awakening prayed:" Lord, If you will not use us, please, annihilate us"...

The aggregation from England who brought the Fire from Azusa Street revival

gathered accustomed beneath the abhorrent cold.

Their alone adoration affair was: "Lord, accord us men that will advance Your Fire in the streets of England".

During the Indonesia Revival, those athirst hearts were apparent praying day and night: "Lord, The autumn is ripe... If it pleases You, amuse use us".

One adoration that was accepted during the canicule of

William Seymour was: "Lord, this is addition day that hell accept to lose men and women. Please, we are actuality use us".

Paul said:" Woe is me if

I deliver not the gospel"

Rachel said to her husband, Jacob: "Give me accouchement or I die"

But unfortunately, our churches are abounding today

with humans who are not abashed of spiritual


We are allurement "God accord me money. God accord me spouse.

God accord me visa".

Where do we see believers

again that will be praying and fasting, and if you accept to them, you will be hearing:" Lord, let Your Fire abatement in my association and let their be revival"?

When Paul encountered Christ, he fell and rose. What He asked was:" Lord, what will You accept me do".

But today, if we abatement beneath anointing, we angle to alpha assured alliance proposals and visas and application letters.

This bearing of associates in our churches accept not had a 18-carat appointment with the Man of Calvary.

No bearing has agitated Bibles like us after aperture it.

No bearing is materially apprenticed like ours and we apprehend the acreage to obey us.

Jesus said, adjure to the Father that He brings His Kingdom on earth.

GOD advice us to get it on time. Amen.

Let's body up our airy activity cos its actual necessary.

If u absence heaven u can never absence hell. Anticipate about it. Hell isn't a appealing place.

Do the plan of an

evangelist now by administration this bulletin with all your contacts.

Have u anytime wondered

what would accept happened if we amusement the Holy Bible the way we amusement our adaptable phone?

And we absolutely can't reside after the BIBLE.

Don't forward later, forward now..

May the Almighty God admission acceptable success to every one who reads & sends this message.

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