God speaks

in religion •  7 years ago 

All animal accomplishments are motivated at their centermost akin by one of two emotions¡ªfear or love. In accuracy there are alone two emotions¡ªonly two words in the accent of the soul. These are the adverse ends of the abundant polarity which I created if I produced the universe, and your world, as you apperceive it today. These are the two points¡ªthe Alpha and the Omega¡ªwhich acquiesce the arrangement you alarm ¡°relativity¡± to be. Afterwards these two points, afterwards these two account about things, no added abstraction could exist. Every animal thought, and every animal action, is based in either adulation or fear. There is no added animal motivation, and all added account are but derivatives of these two. They are artlessly altered versions¡ªdifferent twists on the aforementioned theme. Anticipate on this acutely and you will see that it is true. This is what I acquire alleged the Sponsoring Thought. It is either a anticipation of adulation or fear. This is the anticipation abaft the anticipation abaft the thought. It is the aboriginal thought. It is prime force. It is the raw activity that drives the engine of animal experience. And actuality is how animal behavior produces echo acquaintance afterwards echo experience; it is why bodies love, afresh destroy, afresh adulation again: consistently there is the beat from one affect to the other. Adulation sponsors abhorrence sponsors adulation sponsors fear¡­ ¡­ And the acumen is activate in the aboriginal lie¡ªthe lie which you authority as the accuracy about God¡ªthat God cannot be trusted; that God¡¯s adulation cannot be depended upon; that God¡¯s accepting of you is conditional; that the ultimate aftereffect is appropriately in doubt. For if you cannot depend on God¡¯s adulation to consistently be there, on whose adulation can you depend? If God retreats and withdraws if you do not accomplish properly, will not simple bodies also? ¡­ And so it is that in the moment you agreement your accomplished love, you accost your greatest fear. For the aboriginal affair you anguish about afterwards adage ¡°I adulation you¡± is whether you¡¯ll apprehend it back. And if you apprehend it back, afresh you activate anon to anguish that the adulation you acquire just found, you will lose. And so all activity becomes a reaction¡ªdefense adjoin loss¡ªeven as you seek to avert yourself adjoin the accident of God.

Yet if you knew Who You Are¡ªthat you are the a lot of magnificent, the a lot of remarkable, the a lot of baroque getting God has anytime created¡ªyou would never fear. For who could adios such amazing magnificence? Not even God could acquisition accountability in such a being. But you do not apperceive Who You Are, and you anticipate you are a abundant accord less. And area did you get the abstraction of how abundant beneath than arresting you are? From the alone humans whose chat you would yield on everything. From your mother and your father. These are the humans who adulation you the most. Why would they lie to you? Yet acquire they not told you that you are too abundant of this, and not abundant of that? Acquire they not reminded you that you are to be apparent and not heard? Acquire they not scolded you in some of the moments of your greatest exuberance? And, did they not animate you to set abreast some of your wildest imagining? These are the letters you¡¯ve received, and admitting they do not accommodated the criteria, and are appropriately not letters from God, they ability as able-bodied acquire been, for they acquire appear from the gods of your cosmos absolutely enough. It was your parents who accomplished you that adulation is conditional¡ªyou acquire acquainted their altitude abounding times¡ªand that is the acquaintance you yield into your own adulation relationships. It is aswell the acquaintance you accompany to Me. From this acquaintance you draw your abstracts about Me. Aural this framework you allege your truth. ¡°God is a admiring God,¡± you say, ¡°but if you breach His commandments, He will abuse you with abiding adjournment and abiding damnation.¡± For acquire you not accomplished the adjournment of your own parents? Do you not apperceive the affliction of their damnation? How, then, could you brainstorm it to be any altered with Me? You acquire abandoned what it was like to be admired afterwards condition. You do not bethink the acquaintance of the adulation of God. And so you try to brainstorm what God¡¯s adulation acquire to be like, based on what you see of adulation in the world. You acquire projected the role of ¡°parent¡± assimilate God, and acquire appropriately appear up with a God Who board and rewards or punishes, based on how acceptable He feels about what you¡¯ve been up to. But this is a simplistic appearance of God, based on your mythology. It has annihilation to do with Who I Am. Having appropriately created an absolute anticipation arrangement about God based on animal acquaintance rather than airy truths, you afresh actualize an absolute absoluteness about love. It is a fear-based reality, abiding in the abstraction of a fearful, antagonistic God. Its Sponsoring Anticipation is wrong, but to abjure that anticipation would be to agitate your accomplished theology. And admitting the new canon which would alter it would absolutely be your salvation, you cannot acquire it, because the abstraction of a God Who is not to be feared, Who will not judge, and Who has no could cause to abuse is artlessly too arresting to he accepted aural even your grandest angle of Who and What God is.

This fear-based adulation absoluteness dominates your acquaintance of love; indeed, in fact creates it. For not alone do you see yourself accepting adulation which is conditional, you aswell watch yourself giving it in the aforementioned way. And even while you abstain and retreat and set your conditions, a allotment of you knows this is not what adulation absolutely is. Still, you assume blank to change the way you allocate it You¡¯ve abstruse the harder way, you acquaint yourself, and you¡¯ll be accursed if you¡¯re traveling to leave yourself accessible again. Yet the accuracy is, you¡¯ll be accursed if you don¡¯t. [By your own (mistaken) thoughts about adulation do you abuse yourself never to acquaintance it purely. So, too, do you abuse yourself never to apperceive Me as I absolutely am. Until you do. For you shall not be able to abjure Me forever, and the moment will appear for our Reconciliation.] Every activity taken by animal beings is based in adulation or fear, not artlessly those ambidextrous with relationships. Decisions affecting business, industry, politics, religion, the apprenticeship of your young, the amusing calendar of your nations, the bread-and-butter goals of your society, choices involving war, peace, attack, defense, aggression, submission; determinations to covet or accord away, to save or to share, to affiliate or to divide¡ªevery individual chargeless best you anytime undertake arises out of one of the alone two accessible thoughts there are: a anticipation of adulation or a anticipation of fear. Abhorrence is the activity which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms. Adulation is the activity which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals. Abhorrence blanket our bodies in clothing, adulation allows us to angle naked. Abhorrence clings to and claws all that we have, adulation gives all that we acquire away. Abhorrence holds close, adulation holds dear. Abhorrence grasps, adulation lets go. Abhorrence rankles, adulation soothes. Abhorrence attacks, adulation amends. Every animal thought, word, or accomplishment is based in one affect or the other. You acquire no best about this, because there is annihilation abroad from which to choose. But you acquire chargeless best about which of these to select.

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