in religion •  7 years ago 

"Merry Christmas babe", that was the articulation of my boyfriend. We started dating Six months ago afterwards admiring me for a year and half. He promised to be the aboriginal to call, which he did.

"Same to you darling", I was blessed I said yes to him.

"Thanks babe. What are your affairs for the day?" he asked.

"Except you accept appropriate affairs for us, annihilation appropriate on my side".

"Are you not traveling to Church?" he enquired. Why is he talking about Abbey all of a sudden.

"I didn't wish to complete too religious, acumen why I fabricated no acknowledgment of it". I lied, no affairs for Church.

"It's fine. I'll see you afterwards service" he said and concluded the call. He didn't even say he admired me. What was that for?

I gave a continued blow and lazily abject myself from the bed.

After church, I was anxiously cat-and-mouse for his call. He said he was traveling to call, even afterwards I alone letters and absent calls for him, he didn't alarm back.

"I'm so apologetic for calling you late. I was affianced in some things." this was few hours afterwards I alleged him.

"It's okay. I wasn't cat-and-mouse up" I lied. Again. I didn't wish to complete desperate.

"Be ready, I'd be with you in thirty account time." he said and concluded the alarm again, afterwards accomplishing the needful.

"You attending admirable tonight, darling." he said, afterwards we acclimatized ourselves in a acclaimed restaurant.

"Thank you." I blushed beneath my skin.

We ordered the aforementioned affair and ate. We talked around about aggregate and nothing. I was alpha to see myself as his wife. I was agriculture on my thoughts if he cut in, "I accept a Allowance for you. I achievement you like it". He said as he slipped his duke into his clothing abridged and brought out a chann with the appearance of adulation crested on the head.

"Wow! It's beautiful. I adulation it! Thanks love", I said and placed a ablaze kiss on his lips.

"I accept able castigation too. Just acquaint me area you'd wish to accept it. Your abode or mine", I told him seductively.

"Let's go to your place. I wouldn't wish you to break out late." he answered.

"I'm coming. I charge to abate myself." I told him and abject into the room. I accept able a appropriate Allowance for him and I'm giving him tonight cos today at is Christmas.

I came aback to the sitting allowance with a cellophane nightie on my body. I went to His ancillary and achievement his hair. "I apperceive this is what you wish and I'm accommodating to accord you tonight".

His announcement became hard. He wasn't smiling. He looked as admitting he's been wounded.

"Have you been bamboozled all your life?" he asked me, with a anxious expression.

"What do you mean?" I was afraid at his question. What's he aggravating to say?

"Because it's Christmas, you're accommodating to accord your physique to me. Accept you been advised like that all these while?"he asked again.

"No! I was alone aggravating to amuse you! I anticipation it would be nice back I had no allowance to accord you. I anticipation you'd wish it!" How could he anticipate of me so low? I was angry.

"I'd never ask for your physique as Christmas Gift. Christmas is account added than that. It is the anniversary of the bearing of the saviour of the world. I wouldn't wish to yield it for granted. I wish to consistently accumulate Christ in my Christmas. I adulation you dear. I'd see you tomorrow. Goodnight love". He said and larboard me in shock. I just fabricated a fool out of myself. How could I still be a christian and overlook how important today is to mankind? "Have benevolence on me, Lord", I prayed in silence.



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