
in religion •  7 years ago 

On that day I will accomplish Jerusalem an adamant rock. All the nations will accumulate adjoin it to try to move it, but they will alone aching themselves. ZACHARIAH 12:3.


We give You praise and worship, the God who alone changes times and seasons. As Trump's recent declaration continues to trigger a global diplomatic backlash, with Jerusalem coming under several threats, we remind You of Your promise concerning Your holy city. Arise O LORD and turn Jerusalem into an immovable, burdensome stone to all her enemies. Cause all the nations that contend against her or that seek to make any alteration in her happy circumstance to fail and be utterly disappointed. Silence every raging and evil imaginations against Your covenant people. Be a wall of fire round about them and the glory in the midst of them, in Jesus name, Amen. ”9¶9”9¶9”9¶9

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