Links for the Ghede

in religion •  7 years ago 

Hello, welcome to my blog with links about the Ghede. The Ghede Nation consist of Spirits who are with Their King and Queen, Baron Samedi and Maman Brigette. I am not really sure which Spirits become Ghede, but i know They can be very protective and loads of fun. This blog explains that Baron Samedi will come for His Children, and about the Power of Death Science. This is the warning; the Ghede are considered vulgar by some as They love sex, cussing, partying, and believe we should enjoy life while we can. They are also honest, and don't play dumb games.

Day 32: Baron Samedi and The Ghede Nation from November 2/Day of the Dead @

my first lesson on the Esux from a Yoruba Queen @
Part 1:What An Honest & Pure Hearted "Insider" Says About the Esux or Possibly the ?Ghede? @ &

The Esux

This is my blog to honor Baron Samedi Who digs it when we just sit with Him & do a shot of hooch and tell Him a dirty joke. Also, He does like sacrifice of self which means buying Him stuff or helping others who are worse off than Us, in His name, even if we don't tell the People we help that it's for Baron we can just tell Him. @
The Fu$%ing Awesome Bawon of Saturday ~ No Censoring Available in Text ;) @

In Voodoo type religions the Horse is the person who gets possessed by the Loa/Orishas during ceremony.

Voodoo in New Orleans is a good video that is under 5 mins

This is a longer movie
Voodoo Mounted by the Gods @

I don't kill animals in my practice. I prick my fingers for blood as an offering to energize the Ghosts or Ghededs that i work with. My gods don't need my blood. The gods (i say gods for my ease as They are Forces of Nature or People who evolved to serve between humankind and God in Heaven Who is separate from and doesn't interact with humans) don't need blood as They are powerful, but the animals that are offered are possessed by the Loa which is then eaten in ceremony so that way of life is fine for those who do. It's much more compassionate than slaughter houses.

American Horror Story LIED on Papa Legba and Baron Samedi as Neither are a Beasty god who wants Innocents; however, Baron will sure do some coke ;)

Will the Real Papa Legba Please Stand Up??? @

this blog tells about a time that the Ghede saved me from a psy Vamp who BELIEVES he's the anti Christ & Vlad the Impaler incarnated @
my NDE then the Exorcist and the Demon @

this is a cleansing ritual i made up that's goode @
Long Distance Cleanse with Baron Samedi @

a blog to get started with the African diaspora @
Meet Papa Legba Who Is the First Step in Voodoo @

Part 1:What An Honest & Pure Hearted "Insider" Says About the Orishas @

Part 2: What An Honest & Pure Hearted "Insider" Says About the Orishas @

A blog about "Christmas"'s Pagan origins @
Keeping Saturn in Saturnalia with Baron Samedi @

for instance, "satan" is based on Saturn's cube @ Baron Samedi is Older than Other Evil Saturnian Deities @

Baron Samedi's Wifey Poo @

Maman Brigette is for Justice @

Her veve can be drawn to open contact

His veve


Baron Samedi and Maman Brigette Are Also the Cross & the # 9 or Cycle Enders

Trying to trace the gods back @
Part 1 of Exploring the Possibility that Ninghizzida and Nergal Could Be Papa Legba and Baron Samedi or Thought Form Beings@

Part 2 of Exploring the Possibility that Ninghizzida and Nergal Could Be Papa Legba and Baron Samedi or Thought Form Beings @

Could Baron Samedi be the Sphinx? @

Coffee Is Sacred to Baron@
Leave the Sacred Plant of Coffee da F&%k Alone @

Drugs are "Sacred" to the Ghede@
i am a Shaman so where's my goddam religious freedom??? @

the blogs that i wrote Guided by the sex gods and Ghede King and Queen are @
the Exquisite Maman Brigette & Astral Sex @

the Other Side of Spiritual Spouses @

Safe Astral Sex is Possible with the Ghedes 369 @

my blogs are cleansing are @
When Children are Afraid to be Alone with a Bit on Protecting Your Childe
" @ , and

"Signs of Astral Attack and a Goode Light Cleasnsing Method" @ have some further details and some tips for cleansing and protection that are not always published in other articles written by those who have never been part of the Community.

this one is just coolio with my Soul Mate & Eastern Shaman @
Shamanic Discussion of Souls Trapped in After Life and Some Buddha Teachings @

Willy with Shiva.jpg

i use this to call Dragons @

i feel it is vitally important to explain that dark does not mean and light doesn't mean goode...duality is tearing the world apart & i LOVE da SHIT FUCK DAMN outta Mother Earth !!! <2 font="" nbsp="">

The Misunderstood Dark Side @

grimfunny (1).jpg

This blog explains the kundalini and how it's activation can put Us in touch with our higher selves @
Kundalinis Rising @

I I LOVE serving the Ghede because i am free and happy and They encourage me to grow and reach my own "godhood" and kundalini activation. They also remind me to have fun, and enjoy my life. Plus i ain't scared of death or to die like i used to be.

videos @

these Folks are Great and obviously hooked in @
Baron Samedi - The Skull and Bones Degree @

i enjoyed this one too & his voice is drop dead sexy as he shares the Wisdom of Death Science @
Chief Yuya on "BARON SAMEDI" @

songs @

Aubrey Coletti Baron Samedi @

& Maman Brigette @

Reginald Georges Ghede

chanting @

Thank You for reading my blog :)

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