Since my blog to honor Momma Oshun should be a labour of LOVE to express the deep comprehension in my soul of how important She is to life on Earth, i will try to speak poetically for Her. I am so scared that i cannot possibly capture Her Sweetness into words. Honey can capture Her essence for She is the Honey as well as the Bee whence lives to make it for Her. She is the Peacock Who fills our lives with grace and beauty just as She is the Buzzard who keeps Momma Earth clean as She continues the Great Circle of Life. Most of all, Oshun is Fresh Water Whose element reaches the entirety of our Great Planet Earth.
Searching my heart and soul for words sweet enough for Her, i filled the air with the lovely scent of pina coladas, offered Her some Honey sprinkled with cinnamon. and asked for Her Guidance.
As i refreshed the Sacred Plants in my yard i made a point to keep gratitude for Oshun and Her Sacred Water foremost in my being as there is no life without Water. It twas a whole other experience for my soul to touch upon Her sadness for not receiving the LOVE that She deserves from too much of humankind.
The exquisite Oshun is She of the Fresh Waters with an Energy that is both soothing and bouyant. I LOVE Oshun without cessation, and She is an integral part of my every day life. The Great Mother Yemoja is entwined with Oshun for She bore us all as the Mighty Ocean.
Their LOVE can be as sweet and refreshing as a drink from the babbling brook still pristine in the mountains tall, or a dip in the cool Ocean shallows on a hot Summer day. It can also be as fierce as the hurricane which ravages the land, or as treacherous as the raging the river that is overfilled with rain.
May Papa Legba open and shut the Gates so that the healing and destructive Energies of Yemoja and Oshun may fill the world +++ase+++
Yes, i am aware that i am just one Soul who yearns to see humankind , and to a
greater extent, Mother Earth freed from the treacherous oppressors who have taken the Olde Ways with the intention of destruction for the sake of greed. Never mind small thoughts, the Great Power of Water spans the globe and possesses the strength to bless or curse. Yet still, i hold a Sacred space in my abode to honor the Gracious Yemoja and Oshun and to place my life in Their loving arms.
Twas once a day when i wished for all of humanity to be saved; alas, i hold my prayer strong and true for the Innocents who have no protector as well as my own Tribe and Offspring +++ase+++ There is freedom of choice so i must learn to let them have their choice while i save my energy, pure and strong, for those Innocents Whose choices have been taken.
From the ravaged water supply to the child sacrificed, and my Own Tribe i implore the Orishas and Ghedes to protect Oshun and Yemoja +++ase+++ May the Great Mother Yemoja and the Sweet Oshun flow peace and serenity throughout the lands to distract men from World War 3 and other atrocities +++ase+++ May the Defenseless be protected and May Justice be served +++ase+++
"Canto a Oshun" @
Whew!!! I tried to write poetry and ended up with a spell, but that's okay because it came from my heart. When i began writing blogs for the Orishas it was merely to honor Them, and i have been blessed with tremendous growth, and expanded information about These most awesome Forces. Amazing.
Maman Brigette is my primary female Guardian, without a doubt, and i naturally resonate with Her. Today was a bit of an effort to keep my energy vibrating with Oshun, but it was well worth it. To me, i finally 100% see that believing She is Fresh Water gives me a whole new appreciation for water and it's importance. I also feel a whole new closeness with Mother Earth and the Other Orishas. I like feeling grateful, content, and happy so i thank Oshun for allowing me to commune with Her.
Results from Spell Work
My first spell with Oshun and Yemoja was for the girls stolen by Boko Haram, and i actually noticed what seemed like results to me. This article came through my line shortly after i did the Magikal work for the girls stolen by Boko Haram. "According to Kolo Mustapha, one of the arrested insurgents, "most of us are fleeing because there are too many snakes and bees now in the forest. Once they bite, they disappear and the victims do not last for 24 hours.
We were told that the aggrieved people who had suffered from our deadly mission, including the ghosts of some of those we killed, are the ones turning into the snake and bees." @
Most interesting because Oshun is honey and bees, and Yemoja is known to travel with snakes as sacred animals and i had petitioned these two in a plea to help those girls.
Oshun is famous for love spells, and i did one love spell on my Son for his baby Momma which i deeply regret because he flipped out over her and she got tired of him and left. He had messed around on her and she asked me to help her get him back, but i guess she just couldn't forgive him. I will never do another love spell, but i did ask her to sweeten me to my true love who used to ignore me. He is celibate like a monk now, but he is my best friend, and that is just as sweet as anything can be. Especially since i have not had a bestie since mine died when i was 17.
The Lone Buzzard Who swoops and glides around my neighborhood is a physical reminder that Oshun is a steady energy in my life, but i never felt so close to Her as i do now.
Next, i will present quotes from other sources.
"Oshun (known as Ochún or Oxúm in Latin America) also spelled Ọṣun, is an orisha, a spirit or deity that reflects one of the manifestations of God in the Ifá and Yoruba religions. She is one of the most popular and venerated orishas.[1]
Oshun is a Nigerian Yoruba deity of the river and fresh water, luxury and pleasure, sexuality and fertility, and beauty and love.[1][2] She is connected to destiny and divination.[3]
She is the patron saint of the Osun River in Nigeria, which bears her name.[1] Oshun is honored at the Osun-Osogbo Festival a two-week-long annual festival, usually in August, at the Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove on the banks of the Osun River, Nigeria.[4]
Oshun is syncretized with Our Lady of Charity, patron saint of Cuba, and Our Lady of Aparecida, the patron saint of Brazil.[5] In Trinidad she is associated with St. Philomena[6] and the Hindu deity Ganga Mai or Mother Ganges.[7]
According to the Ifa Literary Corpus in Ose Otura, Ọṣun was the only female irunmole (primordial) sent to set up the world by Olodumare. The other males that were sent began the work and ignored Ọṣun. Ọṣun gathered the women and protested the blatant disrespect by forming Iyami Aje, a band of women endowed with special power. The men failed miserably and when they inquired to Olodumare as to why they weren't succeeding, Olodumare informed them that nothing can be done with out Ọṣun. Anything they attempt to do without women will fail. The male irunmole hurried to beg Ọṣun to join them.[8]
Oshun is said to have gone to a drum festival one day and to have fallen in love with Shango. Since that day, Shango has been married to Oba, Oya, and Oshun, though Oshun is said to be his principal wife.[9] Other stanzas in the Ifa Literary Corpus say that she was also married to Orunmila, the Orisha of Wisdom and Divination.
Oshun is the orisha of the river. Her devotees leave her offerings and perform ceremonies at bodies of fresh water such as rivers, streams and canals.[10]
Oshun is associated with the colours gold/deep yellow in the diaspora and in Nigeria, white, yellow and green. In Trinidad she is associated with the colour pink.[10]"
Tribe of the Sun
Traditional Colors: Yellow, Gold and Amber
Number: 5
Areas of Influence: Rivers, love and romance, gold, pregnancy, witchcraft and love or wishing spells, healing (especially emotional), weight loss
Entities associated with: Our Lady del Caridad del Cobre (patron saint of Cuba)
Symbols: Gold, yellow butterflies, gold, diamonds, gold, yellow roses, gold and did I mention gold?
Offerings: Pumpkins, honey, cinnamon, lemons, coconut, yams, chicken, Goldschlager Liquor
Feast Day: September 8th
Astrology: Venus, Taurus and Virgo
Tarot: Page (Princess in Thoth Deck) of Cups, Ace and 2 of cups
Chakra: Solar plexus, heart chakra
Gemstones: Amber, Diamonds, Imperial Topaz, Rutilated quartz, Citrine, golden beryl, yellow flourite
Animals: Yellow butterflies, bees, otters, skunks
Entities of Similar Energy: Aphrodite, Venus, Freya, Lakshmi and other Goddesses of Love
Plants associated with: Sunflowers, lemons, pumpkins, butternut squash, cinnamon
Oshun is the Orisha of love. She can be the sweetest, kindest, most generous person you will ever meet. She is beautiful, charismatic and has great taste in everything. She appreciates the finer things in life (gold especially). She loves to laugh and wants everyone to be happy. You can always tell when she’s around because everyone just gets real silly and starts to giggle. Well, that and everyone seems to get just a little more sexy. She is graceful and loves to dance.
Oshun loves her children with every fiber of her being. She will give them almost anything. She is a witch, and will throw spells (especially love spells) with the best of them. All wishing spells (anytime the words “I wish” exit your mouth) belong to her. She has a pot of honey that she has tied around her waist (why yes, that does have a double meaning) and she can use it for spells. Oshun will get you pregnant but she isn’t a huge fan of babies (except when they are real cute and well-behaved) so at some point in a pregnancy, Yemaya (her mother) will take over. There is a river that she owns, the Oshun River, in Nigeria. Oshun is utterly charming.
oshun’s children
Generally speaking, Oshun’s kids are usually the easiest to spot in a crowd. They are attractive, charismatic people. They want everything around them to look perfect and expensive. However, since they don’t like to clean, their places may be messy. They love parties and being the center of attention. They constantly talk about the opposite sex. Her kids love to be pretty and will normally spend a lot of time in the bathroom primping. They lavish their loved ones with attention and gifts. They are bad with money and will normally live beyond their means (or have some one else paying the bills). Many times, they will be fair haired and skinned (no matter what race) and like to dye their hair blonde if it ain’t that color already. Her children are quite often dancers, artists and hairdressers. Yes, many of your flamboyant gay men have Oshun as their mother?. They are moody, vain folks who will get mad at you for not giving them enough attention but they won’t stay mad for long if you apologize and make up for your sins. They can be very self-indulgent and may carry some extra weight due to their eating habits. This may lead to chronic yo-yo dieters. Two words…High Maintenance."
Rasta Livewire
"She is also known as Laketi, 'She who responds' because of how quickly and effectively she answers prayers.
Possession of her devotees is one of her principal manifestation and in such states, devotees are filled with clarity, confidence, joy, love, bliss and laugher. Yet, they are filled at the same times with the terrible aspects of her power which activates to fight injustice against humanity and irreverence against the gods.
It has been said that 'When She possesses her followers she dances, flirts and then weeps- because no one can love her enough and the world is not as beautiful as she knows it could possibly be.'
The peacock and the vulture are sacred to Her. Offerings to Oshun could be in form of songs, chantings, meditating on her name, devotion to her love, and/or adherence with her compassionate laws.
Her manifestations of love include being the source of all fresh waters, all warmth, all knowledge, all culture, all society, all motherhood, prosperity, fertility of the land and the water.
Food offerings could include sweet things such as fresh water, honey, mead, white wine, oranges, sweets, or pumpkins, as well as essential oils and incense."
Orisha Net
This is my favorite story about the Lovely Oshun. "Oshún's Flight: How She Came To Be Messenger of Olodumare (God)
In the early days of the world, and of Ilé Ifé the orishas became tired of serving Olodumare. They began to resist the Lord of Heaven's edicts and to even plot the overthrow of his kingdom in heaven and earth. They felt they didn't need Olodumare and, since the Lord of Heaven was so distant anyway, they could merely divide the aché or powers among themselves.
When Olodumare caught wind of this attitude and their plots, the Lord of Heaven acted simply and decisively: Olodumare simply withheld the rain from the earth. Soon the world was encompassed by a staggering draught, the ground became parched and cracked, the plants withered and died without water. And it wasn't long before all on earth, orishas and their chidren alike began to starve.
After a short time, growling bellies and sallow faces began to speak louder than their pride and rebelliousness. They unanimously decided to go to Olodumare and beg for forgiveness in hopes that this would bring rain back to the world. But they had a problem: none of them could reach the distant home of Olodumare. They sent all the birds one by one to attempt the journey but each and every one of them failed, tiring long before reaching the palace of the Lord of Heaven. It began to appear that all hope was lost.
Then one day, the peacock, who was in reality Oshún herself, came to offer her services to save the world from this draught. Once again there was general upheaval and laughter as the orishas contemplated the idea of this vain and pampered bird undertaking such a journey. "You might break a nail", said one. But the little peacock persisted and as they had nothing to lose, they agreed to let her try.
So the little peacock flew off towards the sun and the palace of Olodumare. She soon tired of the journey, but she kept flying ever higher, determined to reach the Lord of Heaven and to save the world. Going yet higher, her feathers began to become scraggly and black from the withering heat of the sun, and all the feathers were burned from her head, but she kept flying. Finally, through sheer will and determination she arrived at the gates of Olodumare's palace.
When Olodumare came upon her she was a pathetic sight, she had lost much of her feathers and the ones that remained were black and scraggly. Her once beautiful form was hunchbacked and her head was bald and covered with burns from flying so close to the sun. The Lord of Heaven took pity on her and brought her to the Palace where she was fed and given water, and her wounds were treated. He asked her why she had made such a perilous journey. She explained the state on earth and went on to tell Olodumare that she had come at risk of her own life so that her children (humanity) might live.
When Olodumare looked to the world and to Oshún's plaintive look, it was obvious that everything she had said was true. The Lord of Heaven then turned to the peacock who was now what we call a vulture, saying that her children would be spared from this draught and ordered the rain to begin again. Then Olodumare looked deeply into Oshún's eyes and into her heart, then announced that for all eternity she would be the Messenger of the House of Olodumare and that all would have to respect her as such. From that day forward in this path she became known as Ikolé, the messenger of the House of Olodumare. Ikolé also is the name for the vulture in Lacumí. And from that day the path of Oshún known as Ibú Ikolé was revered and became associated with her bird, the vulture.
The vulture then returned to earth, bringing with her the rain, where she met with great rejoicing. As befits a queen or Iyalodde, she graciously refrained from reminding them of their jibes and abuses as she could see the shame on their faces.
This is why, whenever a person is to become initiated as a priest in our religion, no matter which orisha they are having seated in their heads, they must first go to the river and give an account of what they are to do as Oshún is the Messenger of Olodumare.
Maferefún Oshún"
Thank You for reading about the Beautiful Oshun :) Blessed Be )O(
A blog to introduce a honey jar and Oshun is @
the days of week that i am using is @
the Orishas are introduced @
some insider info on the Orishas is provided @
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Sadly, we, as a species, instead of protecting Oshune's gift of pure water, are actually polluting her gifts. We throw trash into rivers and ponds, we spill oil across lakes, and we release radioactive decay into her oceans. Sometimes, I wonder what she thinks about us?
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WwowWzers... i wept after reading this because it's sorta how i felt writing it. I feel she feels like the Mother Whose Son abuses Her...heartbroken, but still hoping for the best. One thing i got the day i laboured with this is that i gotta do my part for Her and Mother Earth, and let them live without Her blessings. lol...maybe they will come back as fish who have to live where they polluted ...the ones who do it :) thanx for reading :)
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Thank you thank you thank youuu for this post!
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thank You for reading it @kevinwealthy ... i LOVE Her so much that i am just happy that You read it :)
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