In my life, if one thing were consistent, it would be the presence of religious oppression of free will. When I was young, I have memories of playing soccer, baseball and video games in my childhood, as the innocence would portray. This isn't what we are here to focus on today, we are here to focus on the long term suffering caused by monotheistic ideologies.
(You need protection because you're weak, says the master to the slave.)
I can remember from my earliest memories of public education, the presence of religious idols. I was placed in a public school in Canada, with the understanding that religion wasn't practised in public schools. I would soon find out this was a lie as our own teachers would bring up their personal religious beliefs in subjective debates with children. I personally found this appalling and began to immediately become distracted in the classes that were being taught by these sociopaths who believe in imaginary friends. I would go home often angered to the core that my brilliant Astral temple had been defiled by an adult in a position of authority who believed in imaginary friends so dearly. They were bullying the children's sense of free will with morals that would subject them to God's race and the will of god.
I was told by my parents not to judge pepole who see the world differently than myself, which is a fair lesson. I was lead on to over analyze this information and had a long lasting series of harsh realizations my parents and the school weren't prepared to deal with.
I was constantly distracted from my education in the Red Deer Public Schools by religious idols and the subjective interpretation of God's will.
I would wake up every morning ready for the next battle for my consciousness, not the next lesson or the next topic we as a school were supposed to be focused on. I found myself resenting my time with my peers during recess due to their hive minded outlooks on having fun. It was like the morals of the United and Anglican churches of Canada had infected the minds of all the youth around me, and I was the only one who really enjoyed the liberty of being in a public school. This carried out through out middle school and high school as well. I couldn't see the point of sharing knowledge with those who have defiled all knowledge with God's judgement.
It made me sick to my stomach knowing I couldn't share my thoughts with my peers, all knowledge is defiled into baseness of soul in a church of god.
(It's just a story that's been told too many times.)
This all later progressed into something far more disgusting and oppressive than Christianity could ever entail when a pro-muslim ideology began to over take the general public in Canada, not just in Red Deer, but the whole country. I have been confronted with violent threats by muslim people just for calling their imaginary idol muhammid a false prophet. I personally don't take to kindly to this outlook towards my freedom escentric outlook on life.
I define my satisfaction in life by how independent I am from others will power and judgement.
(Fear governs all faiths and feeds the insecurities in the heart of the youth of today.)
Faith was never a subjective debate, and I would see it as a threat to my intellectual existance if it were any other way. If I don't have the liberty to speak my mind with feelings, insights or projections of love and hate to direct my intentions in a situation, the minds around me would therefor be subjective to common interest, and that would make us all slaves to our environment. Once a human has defined their morals, they are a subjective part of their moral environment, and this would make all religious people submissive and bound as slaves in all contexts of the world slave or submissive.
This is indentured servitde.
It's clearly a goal of the Anglican and United churches of Canada to brainwash the youth of public schools, and this mentality is likely going to continue with muslim indoctrination of the general public. It's a sad but true story as Canadians are very subjective to accepting people for who they are, for better or worse.
Canada is a first world country, we don't accept third world standards of living here, it's against the law.
(To prove you are subjective to your environment, comment below, what did this photo make you feel, think, and visualize?)
I have come to the conclusion I will be moving away from Canada if something doesn't change soon in the shift of consciousness towards proacceptance based mind states here. Letting the liberal minds of today train wreck this beautiful country by accepting third world standads in Canada, is sickening so mean while I establish my wealth, online in the digital metaverse, a place that I don't feel bullied every single day by ignorant people who believe in imaginary friends so vidily they cut me down for worshipping freedom of will, as well as threaten me with violence for calling their imaginary idols, exactly that.
Good Bye Canada, have fun with the volatile religion called Islam.
(A super cell looks very beautiful before a storm.)
(Acceptance looks good before you realize you accepted a violent and sociopathic group of people.)
This is not the country any of our grandparents fought for, and you have god to pray to, so you will all be fine.
Thanks for Reading,