RE: A little article I wrote about why Atheism is not a belief

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A little article I wrote about why Atheism is not a belief

in religion •  7 years ago 

I appreciate you taking the time to respond but I don't think you read my entire article and instead based your response off the title alone and assumed things.

How can we hate something that doesn't exist? Hate is a very strong word and I try to stay away from using it or feeling it. Why don't we hate the tooth fairy or santa claus? Because those are made up stories meant to encourage kids to brush their teeth or to be good and put at a level a child would understand. The bible is a more "grown-up" version of the tooth fairy, meant to scare and entice adults and more caters to that demographic. Adult Christians wouldn't believe in Santa Claus now would they? That'd be absurd. God is just an Imaginary friend that is shared by a lot more people. Churches find it really hard to reach younger children but they do so in other ways that are toned down. You wouldn't read the Song of Solomon to the pre-school class? Because you understand it and they won't, you have to really dumb down the story and add a whole lot of colorful pictures to entice the young ones.

Religion is based off of fear, and usually when I say this to a christian, they always come back as say "I don't do this because I fear God, I love God", but this is also how a slave treats their master. When someone has been abused so much that their mind is not their own, the master has 'broken the will' of the slave and replacing 'Fear' with 'Love', it's a common tactic of a narcissist. I could go on and on with this but I think you get the gist of what i'm saying here.

Atheists are not bad people, they just refuse to accept the recycled dogma thrown at people over the many thousands of year to get governments to control large amounts of people. Fear is Fear, we just see things from outside the box. When you're inside the box, it's kind of hard to grasp the real picture when your mindset is based in fear.

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