Followers of the Abrahamic God - Jews, Christians, Muslims, Please Refute This Video!

in religion •  4 years ago 

religious symbols of judaism, christianity and islam
I invite...Nay, I implore all good Jews, Christians and even Muslims to refute the claims of either/both videos. If you want to save time, speed up the playback to 1.5x.

Please watch this video first, as the second video is a rebuttal and I want you to get the full picture.

PragerU logo

Dennis Prager Allen Estrin

What Is PragerU?
Prager University is the world's leading conservative nonprofit that is focused on changing minds through the creative use of digital media. Taking full advantage of today's technology and social media, we educate millions of Americans and young people about the values that make America great. Donations to PragerU are tax-deductible.


PragerU, short for Prager University, is an American non-profit organization that creates videos on various political, economic, and philosophical topics from an American conservative or right-wing perspective. The organization was co-founded by Allen Estrin and talk show host and writer Dennis Prager. The organization relies on donations, and much of its early funding came from fracking billionaires Dan and Farris Wilks.

PragerU is a media company. It is not an accredited academic institution and it does not offer certifications or diplomas.

before this:

Drew McCoy Dr. Hector Garcia

Hey, everyone! My name is Drew (a.k.a. Genetically Modified Skeptic) and I create videos discussing atheism, criticizing alternative medicine, promoting healthy skepticism, and encouraging positive discourse in the skeptic/atheist community. I'm a full-time activist for the promotion of secularism, critical thinking, science education, and egalitarianism, and am hoping to gain enough momentum on YouTube to launch a career and make a change in the world around me. I come from a family of religious fundamentalists who double as professional purveyors of alternative medicine. Because of this, I feel the need for change in my society every day, and I hope you'll help me create it.
-Genetically Modified Skeptic

Hector is a clinical psychologist specializing in the treatment of combat-related post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.

He has published extensively on the treatment of PTSD in combat veterans, masculine psychology in the aftermath of war, the evolutionary roots of political partisanship, and the interplay between religious practice and psychopathology.

He has also given two TED speeches:
We train soldiers for war. Let's train them to come home, too. (TED talk)

"Why do we make war?" (TEDx San Antonio talk)

Why Jews, Christians and Muslims?

The Talmud

Judaism was the basis of Jesus's worship and, whether the claim of his disciples that he told them to spread Christianity instead of reforming Judaism is true or not, the Old Testament is almost entirely from the Talmudic writings of the Jews. I have never heard a Christian deny their religion's Jewish roots, even though Jews may deny the relationship. I include all sects of Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant. I also include in this category sects of Christians such as the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses as well because they claim to be Christians and still revere the Bible even though they may have other books they use, such as the Book of Mormon, and may be cults.
The Bible

Why Muslims? If you study Islam, you will discover that Judaism heavily influenced Mohammed and most of the prophets of both Judaism and Christianity are also prophets of Islam, including Jesus, who is called Isa and is the son of Mariam/Maryam, the only woman named in the Qur'an. All three religions are considered to worship the same God by followers and those external to the religions, excepting some who cannot stomach the idea. I include all sects, including Shia, Sunni and Sufi.
The (al) Qur'an

Please don't read the following until you've watched the videos and shared your thoughts with me in the comments.

TL; DW (Too Long; Didn't Watch)

PragerU: "Why God Is a He" Video

The first video is by PragerU, a 501(c)(3) organization that includes YouTube channel that does not hide its Christian and conservative roots. I have found that, as with most sources influenced by a particular political party, there is definite bias that sometimes becomes extremely one-sided and may even contain falsehoods and deceptive statements. Given that this is true of many people with strong opinions from religion, culture, politics, and other -isms, it is fair to say that many sources engage in employing bias (deliberately or not), if not lies. While some of their videos are biased at best, and nothing short of propaganda full of deception, others are very educational.

Video Summary

Mr. Prager explains why the Bible uses "He" as a deliberate choice by the authors to provide a decent example to males and that females don't need such an example. In addition, he states that using "She" would be bad for females. He provides supporting information from the Bible as well as from various academic sources to support his claims directly and indirectly. He dismisses the usage of "It" and completely ignores the fact that the Bible was written at a time and in a place which was dominated by patriarchies in conflict - both between religions and between the proto-Christian sects, as well as various kingdoms, and thus provides a very modern explanation of the usage of the male pronoun, which is belied by the contents of the Old Testament. Through direct and indirect statements, he makes clear his traditional views of men (violent, aggressive, in need of a Father figure who can provide a positive role model) and women (gentle, subservient, also in need of a father figure) as well. He engages in sophistry in parts of the video to support his viewpoint, but appears to be sincere in his beliefs.

Drew McCoy and Dr. Garcia: "PragerU Dismantled by an Evolutionary Psychologist" video rebuttal

This video is a joint effort between Drew McCoy aka Genetically Modified Skeptic, a former Christian who is now an atheist and YouTuber, and Dr. Hector A. Garcia, a psychologist and author. I am not familiar with Dr. Garcia, but I've watched several of Drew's videos and, while he tries to avoid making aggressive videos against Christianity, and preaches kindness, his videos sometimes fall short of the mark and he is sometimes so eager to find what he's looking for that his viewpoint is far too subjectively informed, and he does sometimes become snarky, although I think, as with Mr. Prager, that he is being sincere and is probably not entirely aware of the zeal and condescension he employs.

Video Summary

Mr. McCoy takes on a secondary role, primarily as narrator and provider of additional facts, to Dr. Garcia, who has clearly researched this topic quite well. They go through the video, touching on many, but not all, of the points made by Mr. Prager. There were other points that I felt they could've addressed but were perhaps skipped for the sake of brevity. Mr. McCoy's typical zeal and enjoyment of debunking a Christian is evident, while Dr. Garcia is both forceful and yet more neutral in his statements. They point out that in both the Old and New Testaments, God's rules only apply to those within the religion in question - the so-called Commandments are free to be broken in the case of infidels, including the wholesale and violent slaughter of men, women and children except virgins, who are to be abducted and raped to carry on the DNA of the Jews. Dr. Garcia provides ample evidence that the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is a violent, petty, vengeful, and hypocritical God and, thus, the claims of Mr. Prager cannot possibly be correct.


Mr. Prager presents a thoroughly typical traditional-but-modern Christian viewpoint but, as it is only informed by a portion of the Bible (i.e. "cherry-picking" the more positive attributes of the Judeo-Christian god), it is easily debunked by Mr. McCoy and Dr. Garcia.

About Myself

I was raised a Christian. My uncle and grandfather were both ministers. In my early teens, partially because of the pressure of religion, as well as my parents impending divorce and bullying by some schoolmates, I became greatly depressed, a situation which lasted into my mid-twenties. During that time, I read the Bible and the Book of Mormon. In my early twenties, I formally renounced the Christian faith after having read the aforementioned books and C.S. Lewis's *The Chronicles of Narnia" and "Mere Christianity," and that psychologically freed me to learn about various other religions, old and new. This search helped me to escape my depression (along with therapy, a short stint on the anti-depressant, Nortriptyline, and coming to terms with the other things that caused the depression) as a clinical, chronic force in my life, but the psychological side-effects still haunt me.

In my 30's and 40s, I read several books about Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, including al-Qur'an, the principal teachings of the Buddha, and parts of the Upanishads. Around the age of 50, I found the term "Deist" after many years of calling myself "confused," "agnostic," "spiritualist," and other terms that didn't exactly fit me. I believe in God but reject religion as a man-made creation for the education and control of sheeple. You may say, "Baaaaa!" but that is what I believe. ;) I do not believe that morality is the exclusive province of religion, and I adamantly disagree with anyone who claims that morality is either absolutely unchanging or of divine origin.

The Judeo-Christian God is often portrayed according to its more gentle traits in these times, yet the truth is that one of the main reasons I abandoned it is because it is also a bloodthirstily violent, vengeful, hypocritical, misogynistic, bigoted god that, were a movie to accurately portray the hundred+ commands within the Talmud/Bible, it would be more horrific than the worst slasher films. Anyone who thoroughly and honestly reviews these books will discover this to be true. I consider this deity to be no different from those of the pantheons of yore.

Nevertheless, I encourage you to share with me your thoughts on both videos, as long as you state your thoughts logically and kindly. This is not an invitation to proselytize or insult me. The former will be ignored and downvoted, and the latter will be ignored and downvoted, and I shall ask god to smite you.

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