Jinn: Invisible aliens that dwell in a parallel level to man on Earth?

in religion •  3 years ago 

"jinns are made of a special kind of fire and not the fire as we know that we make use of. Just like how humans are made of earth, we carry earthly substances within our bodies but at the same time we are not made of pure earth, we have other substances mixed within us. Only Allah ﷻ knows their true form, however, reading these terms it seems as though they are created from a form of fire and carry heat, like radiation, which is invisible to humans"

"jinns dwell in a parallel level to man, but due to their existing at a different vibratory rate, they are normally invisible to us. He suggests their belonging to the infrared part of our electromagnetic spectrum. Though no clear evidence of this theory exists yet it could be related in many ways to our knowledge of Jinns in Islam.

Electromagnetic radiation is a transmission of waves or particles at different wavelengths and frequencies within electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared radiation, like other radiations such as light or x rays, is part of this spectrum, a type of radiant energy invisible to human eyes but can be felt as heat."

"Jinn are perceived is as an invisible entity that were created from smokeless fire. These creatures are known to have similar motivations and needs to that of humans. They also eat and drink and have the ability to give birth. They are also subject to a life cycle, although they were able to live much longer than humans. Although they were mostly similar to humans, they were known to be much faster and stronger. Additionally, the Jinn were able to be believers or non believers and were subject to being judged to go to heaven or hell"

"The Jinn are beings created with free will, living on earth in a world parallel to mankind. The Arabic word Jinn is from the verb ‘Janna’ which means to hide or conceal. Thus, they are physically invisible from man as their description suggests. This invisibility is one of the reasons why some people have denied their existence."

"What if invisible aliens exist among us, already here but unseen by human eyes? Astrobiologist Samantha Rolfe of the University of Hertfordshire took this idea and ran with it, exploring the possibility of a “shadow biosphere” capable of supporting alien life on Earth — just not life as we know it."


"During a recent interview with The Observer, Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut, said not only that she believes aliens exist, but also that they could be living undetected among us here on Earth.

Now, an astrobiologist has responded by detailing what form these invisible aliens might take — and how they might have gotten here."

"If Sharman is right and invisible aliens do live among us, Rolfe believes they most likely live in a microscopic “shadow biosphere.”

“By that, I don’t mean a ghost realm, but undiscovered creatures probably with a different biochemistry,” she wrote. “This means we can’t study or even notice them because they are outside of our comprehension.”"

"Top leading SCIENTISTS who have been seeking evidence of anti-matter in space have recently claimed to have stumbled across a previously unknown “invisible life form” here on Earth, which could quite possibly be SPYING on us all!"

"Britain's first astronaut thinks aliens exist, and she says they could be already living among us — but we can't see them."

"She says an alien could even be sitting next to you right now.

"Will they be like you and me, made up of carbon and nitrogen? Maybe not. It’s possible they’re here right now and we simply can’t see them," Sharman said."

"An Oxford lecturer thinks we share the Earth with invisible aliens — and, the outlandish idea holds, they’re trying to save our species and theirs from total destruction by breeding with us."

"In 2018, Dr Gabriel de la Torre of the University of Cadiz published a paper in which he proposed that aliens may be living in dark matter, which pervades the entire universe (including the Earth) but which is unobservable.

He explained, “What we are trying to do with this differentiation is to contemplate other possibilities - for example, beings of dimensions that our mind cannot grasp, or intelligences based on dark matter or energy forms, which make up almost 95 percent of the universe and which we are only beginning to glimpse.”

He’s not the only scientist who suspects invisible aliens may inhabit dark matter."

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