"To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."
"A philosopher's stone was a rare magical substance and artifact reputed to have the power to transmute base metals into precious metals, cure diseases, and even bring the dead back to life. They could be used by any wielder of arcane magic, particularly alchemists"
"philosopher’s stone, in Western alchemy, an unknown substance, also called “the tincture” or “the powder,” sought by alchemists for its supposed ability to transform base metals into precious ones, especially gold and silver. Alchemists also believed that an elixir of life could be derived from it. Inasmuch as alchemy was concerned with the perfection of the human soul, the philosopher’s stone was thought to cure illnesses, prolong life, and bring about spiritual revitalization."
"According to legend, the philosopher’s stone was a substance that could turn ordinary metals such as iron, tin, lead, zinc, nickel or copper into precious metals like gold and silver. It also acted as an elixir of life, with the power to cure illness, renew the properties of youth and even grant immortality to those who possessed it. The philosopher’s stone may not have been a stone at all, but a powder or other type of substance; it was variously known as “the tincture,” “the powder” or “materia prima.” In their quest to find it, alchemists examined countless substances in their laboratories, building a base of knowledge that would spawn the fields of chemistry, pharmacology and metallurgy."
"Efforts to discover the philosopher’s stone were known as the Magnum Opus.”1
The philosopher’s stone speaks to the human desire to be transformed: to be changed from something ordinary to something extraordinary and precious. Much of our life is a search for some thing, some place, or some one who can effect this transformation. We search for the Holy Grail, the fountain of youth, or the magnum opus that will redefine our existence. We search for the secret to life that will make everything right. Underlying this search is the desire to become what human beings were always intended to be. The Bible tells us that the Philosopher’s Stone does indeed exist and is in fact the chief cornerstone, Jesus Christ, a rock of offense or stumbling to some but the philosopher’s stone to others."
"In Western culture, an Egyptian-born Greek alchemist Zosimos of Panopolis (c. 300 AD) first described the Stone in his Cheirkometa.3 He contended that the women of Earth were taught metallurgy and the fabrication of the Stone when taken as wives by the fallen angels of heaven.3 Adam is supposed to have passed knowledge of the Philosophers’ Stone to the biblical patriarchs (such as Methuselah), which would account for their unnaturally long life spans"
"The Philosopher’s Stone is said to speed a natural process of evolution in which minerals and base metals evolved to higher and purer states.
The stone was first mentioned by Zosimos (c. 250– 300), who described it as “a stone that is not a stone.” It has never been described directly and has had hundreds of names (see below) and various descriptions, such as the elixir, the tincture, crystals, powder, lapis, and so forth. It is both the beginning, the Prima Materia, and the end of the Great Work."
"However, we do know Arthur wrote another manuscript in 1634 titled "Arca Arcanorum"—or "Secret of Secrets"—in which he celebrates his alchemical success with the Philosophers' Stone, claiming he discovered the true recipe."
"If the directions are followed correctly, the code-cracking reader is promised: "… then you will have a truly gold-making elixir by whose benevolence all the misery of poverty is put to flight and those who suffer from any illness will be restored to health."
Contrary to what was believed for a long time, alchemical recipes do contain chemical processes which can be reproduced in modern laboratories. It's only towards the end (during the production of the Philosophers' Stone) that the recipe becomes too vague to reproduce—at least not without further interpretation.
However, they do sometimes produce a blood-red glass (which is what the stone was said to look like)."
"Dee claimed that one of these objects, a purple crystal on a chain, was given to him by the archangel Uriel, along with instructions for making a philosopher's stone — the mythical alchemical marvel that promised the gift of eternal life and the ability to turn base metals into gold, according to the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) in London."
"The Philosopher’s Stone, in Latin lapis philosophorum, is the Holy Grail of the alchemists who throughout history have carried out incessant research."
"Fulcanelli, an alchemist of the twentieth century, wrote about the Philosopher’s Stone:
“[It is] the Tree of Life, the Elixir [of long life], the masterpiece of nature aided by human capacity, pure and rich alchemical jewel. Absolute metallic synthesis, [this treasure] ensures the lucky owner the triple appanage of knowledge, wealth, and health. It is the horn of abundance, the unquenchable source of the material happiness of our earthly world.”"
"The purpose of the research is indicated as the discovery of the hidden stone, that is hidden.
It is a stone of extreme preciousness, which possesses immense powers and which allows that transmutation of being which justifies the complete dedication to its research.
It is qualified as “philosophical” because it is known to “philosophers”, and after appropriate processing or “adjustments”, it becomes “philosophical” with the power to transmute base metals into gold and capable of giving immortality"
"this Water and Fire, grown together into one essence, produces the great Panacea, composed of both meekness and strength: the Lamb and the Lion united in one. The Lapis of the alchemists, the Philosopher’s Stone, is the Son of God"