The Church of the Living God Column and Support of Truth, The Light of the World, is the Restoration of the early Christian Church, and as such, announces the good news of Salvation to the whole world. It was constituted by Jesus Christ, our foundation and founder. Conserve, in unchanging fidelity to God, the Government, the Gospel, Doctrine, Sacred Offices, as well as the heavenly promises, established and given by Jesus Christ our Savior.
It is scattered by more than 57 nations of the earth, its main headquarters are located in the City of Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico, in the colony of Sons of God, called BEAUTIFUL PROVINCE.
The church has congregations in all the five continents, being Mexico the Nation where it abounds, with more than five million faithful, which added with other nations represents a world membership with more than ten million, with an average growth per year of 110,000 members. It should be noted that on February 14, 2015, more than 50,000 people were added to the church.
In most countries they are located in neighborhoods or neighborhoods of the members of the Church, who together in a single feeling of faith and love for the work of God, although they are generally poor people, get to fulfill their dreams of living in a single conglomerate.
Admits as a member of the same to any person who, fulfilling the entry requirements, remains in subjection to the Christian doctrine, without distinction of race, sex, nationality, age, economic situation, educational level, etcetera.
The objectives that the Church of the Light of the World pursues with its preaching are the following:
Make everyone aware of the message of spiritual Salvation.
Contribute, through the gospel of Jesus Christ, to peace among men and among nations.
Reconcile man with God and with his neighbor, infusing them with the hope of eternal life, through submission to Christian doctrine.
Instill in everyone the sense of personal, family, civic and moral responsibility.
Their Principles are the Following:
The Church The Light of the World establishes three types of principles that govern the life of the members of the same. The religious, the morals and the civilians. These principles are of an advisory nature and do not contravene or violate the inalienable rights of every human being.
WE BELIEVE in the existence of God, unique and universal, as established in the book 1st of Kings 8:23 "... there is no God like you, neither above in the heavens nor below in the earth ..."
WE BELIEVE in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior of the world, according to the book of Acts 8:37 "... I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God ..."
WE BELIEVE as true that Jesus Christ was conceived by the intervention of the Holy Spirit in the bosom of a holy virgin, blessed, whose name was Mary, according to what is established in the book Luke 1:28 to 35 "And now, you will conceive in your womb, and you will give to light a son, and you will call his name Jesus ... "
WE BELIEVE in the Holy Bible as the only and sufficient rule of faith for the salvation of the human being, as established in John 5:39 and 2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is inspired by God, and useful to teach, to reprove , to correct, to instruct justice ... »
WE BELIEVE in the love of God to be called Children of Him, as established in 1 John 3: 1 "See what love the Father has given us, so that we may be called children of God ..."
WE BELIEVE that the death of Jesus Christ vindicates man with God, and that by that sacrifice, the human being is accepted and pleasing to God, according to the book of John 3:16: "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son ... »
WE BELIEVE in the vocation of the Servants of God, sent to manifest the will of God and Salvation. Acts 13:47 "I have set you for the light of the Gentiles ..."
WE ACCEPT Baptism in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Acts 2:38 "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ ..."
WE BELIEVE in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as the confirmation that God gives to man for entering the Kingdom of Heaven. John 3: 5 "Jesus answered: Most assuredly, I say to you, he who is not born ..."
WE BELIEVE in the plan of God for salvation of all the nations, since God does not make sense of person, race, color, language, political opinion or economic position. 1a. Timothy 2: 4 "Who wants all men to be saved ..."
WE BELIEVE that persuasion, conviction and reason are the firmest basis of all creed and Faith. Acts 26:28 "... you almost persuade me to be a Christian ..."
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ established a Church, so that those who accept his call may attain salvation. John 10:16 "... they will hear his voice, and there will be a flock and a shepherd ..."
WE PROCLAIM the second coming of Christ to reward each one according to his works. Luke 21:27 "They will see the Son of Man coming with power and great Glory ..."
WE RECOGNIZE the free will of man as the guiding principle of his conduct.
WE ACCEPT sincere, honest and open dialogue, which in turn develops our criteria and aptitudes.
WE CONSIDER fanaticism and religious intolerance as limiting the development of countries; consequently, we open our doors to knowledge that eradicates poverty, ignorance, vices and drug dependence.
WE BELIEVE in science as a gift from God, whose knowledge must serve the greatest causes of humanity, favoring the progress and development of countrie.
We AFFIRM that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, so he can choose the religious creed of his liking, without suffering any threat or injury.
WE CONSIDER that unnatural rules such as imposing certain civil status, dispossession of property or attempt against family integrity, is contrary to any ethical - moral principle.
WE RESPECT non-discrimination in the treatment of believers, who enjoy the benefits to which they are entitled according to the norms of our Church.
We AFFIRM that, in the exercise of our constitutional guarantees, we have the right to integrate ourselves in the general context of society, work, health and education, without discrimination, limit or any harm.
WE BELIEVE that governments are established to administer justice, punishing those who do evil and protecting those who do good, as established in Romans 13: 1-5 "Submit yourselves to the authorities ..."
We PRAY for the authorities because it is God's commandment to respect every human institution, as established in 1 Timothy 2: 1-3 "... that prayers be made ... for they are in eminence."
We are obliged as citizens to comply with the laws of each country, respect and promotion of patriotic cultures and symbols.
WE ACCEPT respect for life as a divine design.
In conclusion, our principles are summarized in the biblical commandment: "Otherwise ... everything that is true, everything that is honest, everything that is just, everything pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good name; if there is any virtue, if there is something worthy of praise, in this think.