Is There Any Relation Between Terrorism And Religions??

in religion •  7 years ago 


The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

This is the dictionary meaning of Terrorism.

What is terrorism nowadays? Some people gather and started talking rubbish. And One of them chosen as leader. And from there terrorism starts. That leader brainwashed those hypocrites.

War And Peace In Islam:

The Islamic relationship between individuals and nations is one of peace. War is a contingency that becomes necessary at certain times and under certain conditions. Muslims learn from the Qur'an that God's objective in creating the human race in different communities was that they should relate to each other peacefully (Quran 49:13).1


War And PeaceIn Christianity:

The Bible says that God has established government and government is endued with God's authority to protect its citizens and punish those who terrorize them.
The Bible teaches that vengeance belongs to God because only He knows perfectly the hearts of men and only He can temper vengeance and justice.


War And Peace In Buddhism:

If you, Rahula, are desirous of doing a deed with the body, you should reflect on the deed with the body, thus: That deed which I am desirous of doing with the body is a deed of the body that might conduce to the harm of self and that might conduce to the harm of others and that might conduce to the harm of both; this deed of body is unskilled (akusala), its yield is anguish, its result is anguish


There are other religions. And in all religions, we get the same message, a message of love, not war nor terrorism. Terrorism is another religion, religion of those people who did not believe in peace. Who accompany Satan to promote his Project.
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In the Philippines, religious organizations terrorize locals in order for them to join the rebellion against the government.

Terrorism is another religion it has nothing to do with any of the real religion. We are at war. A war with terrorist.

wah wah wah

You took light on very Precious Information in front of the world regarding terrorism @taimoorahmad , I really appreciating you from my heart ! In fact, as the media journalist using their source "opposed to .." I hope you have guessed :). Congratulate to your positive thoughts. Thanks for sharing such an authentic lights.
Upvoted & resteemed !

Media gets paid to show such news. Reality is different from the assumptions.

Given the right political situations, people of any religious, philosophical, or political persuasion will produce terrorists. If you survey world history you will find terrorists who have been Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or what have you. You will also find terrorists among movements that are decidedly non-religion or anti-religion, such as Communists and Socialists. Today, the majority of terrorists are Muslim, because the majority of the people seeking political change are Muslim, because the majority of people suffering under oppression are Muslim.

What is the source of this oppression today? If you ask those who are fighting against oppression, you will find a common theme: Western control of Muslim countries. This not not only includes the presence of the American military but also leaders of Muslim countries that do the bidding of American foreign policy, such as the Saudi Royal Family, and despots that were at one time on the payroll of the CIA such as Saddam Hussain in Iraq and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, or put into power after their predecessors were toppled by the CIA, such as the Shaw of Iran prior to the Iranian Revolution.

According to Foreign Policy in Focus, "The presence of U.S. bases and troops in Muslim holy lands was, in fact, a major recruiting tool for al-Qaeda and part of Osama bin Laden’s professed motivation for the 9/11 attacks." Currently, the U.S. has bases in every Middle East country except Iran and Yemen. Ironically, and tragically, our military presence in the Middle East is said to be for our protection, but in fact has been a major contributor to the exponential growth of the radical ideology we are fighting against.

Why does the United States risk the safety of Americans and the stability of the Middle East in order to have a military presence there? In order to safeguard our access to oil. To quote Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, who said in 2007:

"People say we’re not fighting for oil. Of course we are. They talk about America’s national interest. What the hell do you think they’re talking about? We’re not there for figs."

But us having a military base out in the desert of some Muslim country is hardly us oppressing them, you might say. You might not think so, but if they think so, then it is so. Perception is reality, as they say in politics.

There is a common narrative today that says Muslim terrorists do what they do because they are Muslims. They are the ones who are the most zealous for their religion while the peaceful Muslims are the moderates, the ones who don't take their scriptures as seriously as the radicals.

Simple answers like this have an appeal simply because they are simple, but to come to this conclusion you have to ignore two things: 1) Nobody takes Islamic scriptures more seriously than the large body of Islamic scholars whose job it is to interpret those scriptures and apply them to every aspect of a Muslim's life. That body of scholars universally condemns violence except for rare cases of self-defense, saying their religion teaches against it, and 2) the simple "Islam is a violent religion" explanation ignores the very reasons given by the violent for their violence.

If Americans genuinely want peace in the Middle East and safety for us in America, then we need to stop pointing fingers at Islam and start changing our foreign policy. In order to do that we need to elect presidents that are willing to put our control of the world's oil supply at risk and draw down our military presence in the world to a level that does not portray world dominance while still maintaining our ability to defend ourselves.

Oh. Man, you have given history and future there. I did not talk about any of the specific religion or cast. I had a chit-chat with a person who thinks that Religions have to it all with the terrorism. But I refused. So he gave me a challenge to prove it. And I make him realize that he was wrong.

Sorry for the novel taimoorahmad. Got a little carried away I guess. I'm glad you're challenging what others are saying. We seem to live in a world where "love and acceptance" means you keep your mouth shut when someone says something you disagree with. I don't think that's ultimately what's needed. From what I can tell you're a Christian in a Muslim country? If so I'm sure you've had quite a few interesting experiences with people from that "other" religion, both good and bad, and know life isn't as simple as that person makes it. If you know more about Islam than you're average Christian then you know there's a lot of Islamophobia that's based on a false understanding, and it's tough for Muslims to deal with it because they simply don't speak the same language. We all kind of get stuck in our own bubbles it seems. Glad to see you reaching across to help others get educated. My blog might be of help to you. If you get a chance check it out and provide me some feedback if you would. I'd like to get to know you better too.

heart touching post. really tears came out from my eyes.

Well you are the best writer Taimoor and this post about terrorism is actually great because you have told the difference of terrorism and religion!
Keep it up! Love you bro!
Upvoted and resteems.