My Faith: Parables between the Old and The New Testament - Part 1

in religion •  7 years ago 

This is something I have not yet posted about. To be honest I have been a bit preoccupied which is wrong and no excuse at all. All that is asked is a 10th of our time.

Many have their favorite part of Scripture, for me, it is Revelation because there is so much to discover and understand knowing you will never really know all there is to know. But I enjoy discussing this topic with others who share an interest in this. Please keep in mind I am not a Bible Scholar and I have learned here and there from numerous online websites or youtube videos. I would just like to share these thoughts to those who might be interested.


7 Parables Between the Old and the New Testament

Ok, so I want to start here. Many may not agree. But this I find interesting and rather compelling. This is in alignment with the Jewish feast holidays. Yes, they are not believers in Christ. But remember, these are actually God's appointed times! Leviticus 23:2



Old Testament
This is where God told the people of Israel (the slaves of the Pharaoh), to take a lamb with no impurities, slay it and smear the blood of lamb on their door posts. Exodus 12:2-11, Leviticus 23:5. This was the beginning of the 7 Feast Days of Israel they follow till this day.

New Testament
Who do we know as the Lamb that was slain? Yes that is right, He is Jesus Christ. In the New Testament Passover is still mainly remembered to this day, as the crucifiction of Jesus Christ. Revelation 5:8-14, John 1:29

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Unleavened Bread

Old Testament
Now this is when Pharaoh told Israel they could leave Egypt, and because they were in a hurry, they did not have time to leaven their bread. Exodus 12:39, Leviticus 23:6. It is believed that yeast can be a symbolism for sin in this case for relevance.

New Testament
As I said in the previous statement that yeast symbolized sin and that the Israelites didn't have time to leaven their bread. Their bread was "untainted". And today we know Jesus to be The Bread of Life. John 6:35. The night before Jesus was crucified, He had communion with his 12 disciples where He said He is the Bread of Life. And to this day we take communion with our brothers and sisters in Christ because no one can go to the Father (God), except through Jesus Christ. Through Him we can be washed of our sins and become new (untainted), all thanks to Him paying the price for us on the Cross.

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Old Testament
This was when Israel came into their land God has given them, a new beginning after being slaves for so long in Egypt. Leviticus 23:6

New Testament
Jesus became the First Fruits after His resurrection to those who slept (unbelievers). 1 Corinthians 15:20

I have tried to keep it as short as possible.

Please comment below if you would be interested in a Part 2 of this post to see the rest of the parables I am talking about:

  • Pentecost
  • Feast of Trumpets
  • Atonement
  • Feast of Tabernacles


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