Religious Thought Ep. 2 Why Reformed Theology?

in religion •  7 years ago 

The Reformed Theology is the most consistent theology that a Christian can hold to. Now, some might call it something else but all it means is that the Bible is the Word of God and it is the Truth. There is really good series called "What is Reformed Theology?" by R.C. Sproul. I will link it down below. It talks about different factions within the Christian church and it goes through the issue of Scripture Alone, Faith Alone, Covenant and the TULIP. The reason why I hold to the Reformed Theology because logically speaking, all other theologies within Christianity will fall out of Christianity sooner or later when taken to the most logical conclusion. I hope this posting will help you understand where I'm coming from and how I got here and why the Reformed Theology is important.

Here is some links about the Reformed Theology:
YouTube Series by R.C. Sproul -

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