RE: So, you're saying that your religion is based on genitally mutilating your children?

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So, you're saying that your religion is based on genitally mutilating your children?

in religion •  7 years ago 

What if people cut their children's arms off for religious reasons? I guess you would agree that this could not be tolerated by a free society, so why should circumcision be any different?

Bodily integrity is not an issue of family life, but a basic human right. If you want to live in a free society you must create some instance that protects negative freedoms like the freedom from harm, and that has the power to sanction violations of these freedoms, or otherwise your free society will be worthless.

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There needs to be no state for that. Guardians ad litem already sorta perform that role, and they could be privatized, subsisting on tort awards for cases of abuse.

I'm not against protecting kids genitals from mutilation. Arms being hacked off are impossible to hide. No inspections necessary to reveal the harm.

I'm against creating a state power to mandate genital health.

Tort actions in private courts in a competitive market, complete with Yelp! reviews would suffice to meet the need. If a jury found the parents guilty of causing such harm, there'd have to be a just sanction.

Dunno how it'd actually all work out, but it couldn't be worse than what we have in family courts now. There is no more foul bastion of evil than American family courts, anywhere, nor has there ever been.

I was a single father because my ex's parental rights were terminated. I cannot describe the hellish corruption I contended with, and only because of competent counsel was I fortunate enough to be able to raise my sons.

See, that would be a solution already. If you gave people the ability to sue doctors for mutilating them in their childhood, that would already be enough deterrence to make infant circumcision history. Most doctors simply won't risk being sued for malpractice.

But in order for that to work out, we first need to formally declare that infant circumcision is indeed child abuse and Iceland has done a great step in that direction.

The devil is in the details, my friend. What Iceland has done is to grant to the state the power to enforce that moral code.

If you think carefully, you'll see how my description allows no state to tyrannically impose it's will. Juries, courts as services, guardians ad litem seeking bounties, etc., are all utterly freewill undertakings, and incapable of imposing immoral, but profitable to corporations, genital health against the will of free people.

We see in the world that every state or governmental power is corrupted by criminals for profit, and once the power, granted on the basis of rhetoric is in the hands of the state, the people no longer have the power.

We, the individual free people of the world, needs must not allow this power to be so corrupted.

I submit that Iceland has instead created a circumstance that will eventuate penis inspections of hapless children whose parents will be unable to not comply.

Government inevitably is corrupted, because the people acting as the officials are corruptable. I can count on one hand the public servants I remain sure were not corrupt, and have fingers left over.