Religion vs Believer

in religion •  7 years ago  (edited)

A couple of days ago I had a conversation with some devout believers. As this conversation got really heated I wanted to wait and reflect what was said before I was going to share my views on the matter.

As many of you already know I am a atheist. I don’t believe in divine creatures or religious believes. When I was talking to a Muslim, in this conversation I said “ALL RELIGIONS ARE STUPID”. And I instantly got bombed with the “YOU’RE A RACIST” bullshit. Well here comes my logic. And law and behold the Muslim was silent after my reasoning.

I believe there is a distinct difference between Islam (the religion) and a Muslim (the people who follow Islam). The same applies to Christianity and a Christian, Judaism and a Jew, and so on. I feel I can say a Religion stinks as I assault a idea therefore racism does not apply. There is a difference when I would say I hate Christians.

So what I am saying is the concept of a religion in what shape or form should not exist in our world. A world where everyone lives next to each other and we all need to respect the person. But why should I not be able to say religion X sucks? Anyone can say my thoughts on a specific subject suck.

So to all religious people out and about. I respect you – I don’t respect your religious believes!


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The full quote from Karl Marx translates as: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people". 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.James 1:27
So on the above quotes I can state confidently that I agree with your statement above, however, I cannot agree with you on your denial of the existence of an spiritual being, creator of all, one must be spiritual incline to find his Creator,Since he is a friend to those who's paths are guided by his Holy Spirit. I respect your standing when becomes to your beliefs, I understand that you are carnal and deny you have a spirit or soul, so live for today, after all this is the only heaven you will ever know, for tomorrow you will die and from dust you came and to dust you shall return.

If there was a god we would have proof by now dont you agree? Tnx for this nice comment, and to share your thoughts!

It's difficult to argue with reason when the fellow with whom you're arguing doesn't use reason. Unfortunately, religious people often dump reason when it comes to matters of their faith - of course, faith doesn't sit well with reason.

Agreed. Reason and faith are incompatible.

You are right.

I am happy you feel i am right :D

A racist for criticizing Islam? Seriously. I thought it was a religion and not a race. The logic of the brainwashed.

Yes but stil the masses control the few. In our society you are beeing forced to think like the majority. And if the majority yells racist you are. For example >> run into a leftist group and ask them if they like freedom. They will ofcourse answer with yes. Then ask them why they protect islam. And then you will get one answer only "RACIST". Then try to reason with them >> not gonna work at all.

If I would yell take all the blacks there lands I would be labeld a racist. But if a black yells "Take all the whites there lands" in South Africa all the leftists yell "Yeah you have been oppresed long enough.

It is funny how they turn tables. Maybe we should not call them leftists but we should call them white blacks.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I do not i dont blindly follow a book with no credible evidance. A book that is responsible for over 250.000.000 deaths

I do understand what you are saying here zoef. I also don’t believe in religions. Religions are just made to divide humanity and separate us. Also to believe the rules made by a few religious heads just because they think that it is right. Anyway, did you read that post which I sent you that day? Its not about religion but logics !! I would love your feedback about it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment


check his other comments, .cpn :D .con :D that's the best one :D go to steemit.con and input your password :D

Ah lol what a retard. I wil downvote his ass to kingdom com

naah don't bother, I'm wondering why people are trying, but I suppose people are failing so that's why we need scammers to test our phishing "security" :D

I'm really trying to support the good people here because with all the vote-buying and rampant whaleism(business) this platform sure doesn't look as inviting for me as it used to be, there are less "real" people nowadays, or maybe I've fallen off too far back from the band wagon :D

Still I find scams funny, steemit.con, :D there should be a whole sphere of the internet, the .con, where you can talk with your friend's script bots :D