Live long enough, and one finds oneself reminiscing.

in reminiscing •  2 years ago 


Oil painting I did many years back from a black and white photo of the family home where I was raised. It's hanging on my own wall now, and again, I recall it's origins.

Never did an oil painting before, and few since. Did it sitting on my kitchen floor in my apartment, then in California, no training, no theory, just as a Christmas present that I mailed to my parents. I mostly thought it pretty much sucked, because I couldn't get it "just right", after many hours of trying, and my parents didn't seem all that impressed by it either, other than the usual perfunctory thanks.

Years later, my mother gave it to a cousin and his wife after their house burned to the ground, and they literally lost everything, just for something to hang on the wall of their new home. My uncle made the frame.

Years later, after that, my cousin contacted me and said, although we have loved this painting for years, we wondered if you might like to have it back. I had pretty much forgotten about it, but I said, okay, thanks.

Now, I love it, too!

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