This weekend and until Monday, we will be thousands to invade stores, in search of last minute gifts. Year after year, December 23 rises among the busiest days in stores, if not at the top.
The experience may be painful, we do not learn. Dressed in our winter coat, we will have to play on the elbow against the backdrop of Jingle Bells, nerves on edge, back in sweat, the name of little Jesus on the lips. We may not find what we are looking for, as far as we know. In any case, you will have to improvise, buy something to pack, anything!
I recently read that most of the gifts on the evening of December 24 disappointed those for whom they were intended. Even children, at a certain age, seem jaded. All that for this...
What will remain of our ultimate shopping efforts, ultimately, may well be waste and persistent scratches on the credit card.
Spontaneous purchase
Intense with the approach of Christmas, the surge of impulse purchases is not however a seasonal phenomenon. All year round, we buy objects on impulse, without meeting a pressing need or providing lasting pleasure.
It is true that easy access to credit, electronic payment, online commerce and the advertising that follows us to bed have removed the last obstacles to our spontaneity; To fill our sleepless moments, we can now order a robotic vacuum cleaner in the middle of the night.
Fun is in anticipation
This facility leaves us no time to desire what we buy, which deprives us of the probably most pleasant aspect of consuming: anticipation.
It always seemed to me that a good part of the pleasure resided before the experience. It's like preparing for a trip, for example. It is exciting to think about the route, to read guides, to determine the places to visit, to choose the places to sleep.
When we count the organizational stage, which undoubtedly extends over a longer period than the holidays themselves, the return on investment, the fun per dollar spent, appears significantly higher. This return will be even better if the money required for financing has been saved first, rather than repaid afterwards.
The same magic happens when planning a small purchase. I'm not thinking of a stepladder, but, say, a TV, living room furniture or a barbecue. There is something funny in comparing the characteristics of the models, in seeing prices fluctuate, in imagining the thing at home. The best part is that you can always make the pleasure last a little longer.
We will not hide it, once entered the house, the new "toy" will never excite us as much as during the time we wanted.
- Whether in a physical store or online, one should never succumb to something emotional. You should always wait at least 24 hours before buying it. Most of the time, the urge will pass.
- For important goods, saving the money necessary for the purchase gives time to reflect on its real needs. Meanwhile, the coveted product is likely to be displayed on sale or to be supplanted by a better choice.
- For a trip to the South, do the exercise: collect the money before. When you have accumulated the necessary amount, ask yourself the question: is a little week worth the effort you gave yourself? The answer is yes ? Go!
- Buying Christmas and birthday gifts should be planned. Last minute shopping rarely gives good results. The experience will be unpleasant for the one who gives and disappointing for the one who receives.