Declassified documents show that CIA agents involved in the PSI experiments conducted in the early 1970s were markedly impressed by Swann’s RVing and psychokinetic abilities.
In his book Penetration, Swann recounts his involvement in Remote Viewing the dark side of the moon in 1975, a top-secret assignment offered to him by an unnamed shadow agency of the US government.
In part II, we will explore more contentious claims made by Swann dealing with his top-secret mission to remote view the dark side of the moon.

The Far Side of the Moon
Before we go any further, it’s important to understand why we only ever see the near side of the moon. At the most basic level, the reason one side of the moon is never visible to viewers from earth has to do with the moon’s perfectly synchronized rotation with that of the Earth’s, also known as gravitationally locked.
This YouTube Video from the Minute Science channel does a good job explaining the phenomenon in just under a minute.
Minute Science YouTube Channel
Dark Side of the Moon Explained
Black Ops and Shadow Figures
A man using the codename ‘Axelrod’ eventually calls Swann and invites him to DC.
Axelrod is described as something akin to a male model and is accompanied by another agent who closely resembles Axelrod, Swann nicknames them ‘the twins’. Again, Swann is warned not to speak of any of this to anyone if he accepts the assignment. Swann admits that at first he was mostly intrigued by the $1000 per day compensation.
Not long after initially contact is made, Swann is quickly hooded and whisked away to an undisclosed underground location somewhere near the capitol. Knowing nothing of the the assignment, Swann assumes that he will be asked to use his skills to Remote View enemy targets such as the Soviets or the Chinese. The objective of the mission is never really revealed to Swann but he's told that he'll be tasked with Remote Viewing the Moon over the course of several days.
Remote Viewing Sessions of the Moon

For each session, Swann is given coordinates on the moon based on longitude and latitude and he projects himself to the desired locations on the moon’s surface. Agent Axelrod accompanies Swann during every session providing the coordinates, asking questions from time-to-time and monitoring Swann's progress of the viewings.
Session 1.1 / Lunar Location 1
• Tracks on the moon’s surface
• “What they actually look like are rows of largish tractor tread marks. But I don’t understand how this could be, so they must be something I don’t understand.”
• Near a Cliff of some kind, rising upward quite high and made of some kind of dark rock.
• “…it has some kind of shiny quality to it, something like obsidian…”
• Whitish, fluffy sand
• There are patterns in the sand, like dunes, as if wind had made some kind of pattern
• Away from the cliff there’s a broad expanse
• Believes he is mistaken and is remote viewing a location on Earth
• Can sense some sort of atmosphere
Session 1.2 / Lunar Location 2
- Swann stops session abruptly because again he believes he must be on Earth and not the moon.
- Takes Break from RV session
Session 1.3 / Lunar Location 2
• Located inside a crater
• Greenish haze, like a light of some kind
• Beyond the greenish haze all around is dark
• Sees actual rows of lights
• “…sort of like lights at football arenas, high up , banks of them… up on towers of some kind.”
• “Have the Russians built a Moonbase or something? IS that what I am suppose to be remote-viewing?”

Session 1.4 / Lunar Location 2 – Resumed
• Greenish light seems diffused, as if there’s a lot of fog – dust
• Dust floating in the air
• There’s a thumping noise
• Has better view of one of the light towers this time
• Tower appears to be built by some narrow struts of some kind like pencils
• Like pre-fab stuff
• Estimates towers are 100 feet tall
• Tractor tread marks everywhere
• Views a glimpse of the crater’s edge with a very large tower on it
• “Yes, Big, really, big.”
• About the size of the UN building in NY (39 floors)
• (Swann begins to wonder if this is more than a moon base)
• “But the stuff is big.” (equipment)
• (Comes to realization that what he’s viewing is not from Earth!).
“I was now completely certain that I was physically present in some kind of ultra-ultra-ultra secret place, and that the mission of this place was to sort out extraterrestrial matters.”
“I knew that NASA must have photographic evidence of activities on the Moon which already confirmed the presence of extraterrestrial activity there.”

As Swann slowly becomes aware of the implications of what he’s glimpsed in his viewings and the nature of his assignment, he begins to breakdown emotionally and needs time to takes it all in. He experiences something of an emotional roller coaster from shock and disbelief to elation, sadness and anger. He lashes out at his handlers as well as demanding to know why they need him at all, why they don't just send another manned mission to the Moon.
It's not long before Swann starts piecing together the situation in his mind.
“Unless they… I can’t believe this… unless they somehow have told you to stay away, and somehow shown you they mean it!”
“They are NOT friendly, are they? ARE THEY, Axel!”
“So, the only major way now to spy on those guys is to resort to psychic abilities, which the mainstream of our great nation makes a special effort to discredit. What a gas! What a complete gas!”
He also suspects the mission is partly driven by a fear that the Soviets might be using their own psychics to gather ‘psychic Moon-information’ ahead of the US.
His mind reeling Swann takes another break as the experience proves to be more than he could have imagined. Intending to take a short power-nap, Swann passes out for 6 hours before they attempt another RV session.

Session 2 / Multiple Lunar Locations
At a number of locations, nothing much to see except Moonscapes
Other locations proved confusing with Swann drawing multiple sketches of things he could not wrap his head around.
I found towers, machinery, lights of different colors, strange-looking “buildings”.
I found bridges whose function I couldn’t figure out. One of them just arched out – and never landed anywhere. There were a lot of domes of various sizes, round things, things like small saucers with windows. These were stored next to crater sides, sometimes in caves, sometimes in what looked like airfield hangars.
I had problems estimating sizes. But some of the “things” were very large.
I found long tube-like things, machinery-tractor-like things going up and down hills, straight roads extending some miles, obelisks which had no apparent function.
There were large platforms on domes, large cross-like structures.
Holes being dug into crater walls and floors obviously having to do with some kind of mining or earth-moving operations.
There were “nets” over craters, “houses” in which someone obviously lived, except that I couldn’t see who – save in one case.
In THAT case, I saw some kind of people busy at work on something I could not figure out. The place was dark. The “air” was filled with a fine dust, and there was some kind of illumination – like a dark lime-green fog or mist.
The thing about them was that they were human or looked exactly like us – but they were all males, as I could well see since they were all butt-ass naked. I had absolutely no idea why. They seemed to be digging into a hillside or a cliff.
As I described, “They must have some way of creating a good environment, warm and with air in it. But why would they be going around naked?” No answer was forthcoming to this self-question.
What Swann describes next is something that he found deeply disturbing. While viewing the humanoid activity he claims that they became aware of his psychic penetration, they turned and looked at him as though they could feel some sort of dimensional disruption taking place.
But being there in my psychic state, as I felt I was, some of those guys started talking excitedly and gesticulating. Two of them pointed in my direction.
Immediately I felt like “running away” and hiding, which I guess I psychically did, since I “lost” sight of this particular imaging.
”I think they’ve spotted me, Axel. They were pointing at me I think. How could they do that…unless…they have some kind of high psychic perceptions, too?”
Axel said, in a calm low voice, so low I hardly heard it at first. “Please quickly come away from that place.”
My eyes were wide as understanding drained in. “You already know they are psychic, don’t you?” Axel raised his eyebrows and gave a deep sigh.
Swann felt that he was in danger and vocally raised concerns about whether or not the alien beings would come after him and want to kill him for his psychic intrusions.
At this point, agent Axelrod admits that the humanoids Swann observed had certain ‘things can capabilities’ that they were trying to get a better understanding of. But he assured Swann that there was nothing to suggest he would become a target of these beings.
Swann repeatedly asks Axelrod to elaborate and explain what’s known about these beings and the operation but he’s tight-lipped and evasive.
He would neither confirm nor deny.
They spoke a little more about the nature of PSI, mostly Swann trying to comprehend what he had felt when the humanoids had spotted him, rather, felt his presence.
The session was over, the assignment was too. Swann would be hooded once again, taken away in a chopper and driven by his Twin escorts back into the heart of the US capital and that was it.
After returning to his home in New York, Ingo Swann spent several days recovering from his experience, battling against paranoia and try to come to terms with what he had witnessed.

There are no doubt elements of Swann’s claims that sound ridiculous to some.
Unlike Swann’s RVing of Jupiter, these claims are not part of CIA/US gov. research into PSI and cannot be verified in any CIA document disclosures.
Psychic/Telepathic humanoid males, completely naked working inside of an artificial environment busily working on some unknown project.
The apparent mining activities by an alien species, that has been covered up for almost 4 decades, is also difficult for most people to fathom or to take seriously.
Yet, is there any evidence that corroborates these 'far out' claims of psychic origins?
The short answer is no, at least nothing conclusive.
However, similar claims have been made of structures on the Moon's surface, and not only on the far side of the Moon but on the near side as well. Some of the evidence comes from NASA's own photographic library collection of the Apollo missions, former NASA scientists and independent observations not connected to government agencies.
I hope you come along for the ride in Part 3, cheers!

PDF Warning! Always take necessary precautions before opening, downloading or connecting to PDFs
Penetration by Ingo Swann, 1998 Archive PDF link
For anyone interested in learning more about the methods and techniques involved in conducting a remote viewing you may be interested in this 98 page document.
Controlled Remote Viewing Manual PDF

I'm not sure about the whole naked aspect lol But there has been talk of a secret space programme (that has been genetically manipulating sections of humanity to work in these environments) for many years now, some form of breakaway civilisation that are busy feathering their nests for when the shit really hits the fan. Obviously we're entering the realms of pure conjecture and it's not really an area I've researched very much, but it's certainly an interesting idea. I guess the main question should be whether there exists the technology to realise such a programme, because one things for sure if there was it would already be up and running. Anyway in light of a couple of aspects of your post you may be interested in the trailer above (if you've yet to see it) if nothing else the story surrounding the original book etc is an interesting one.
In terms of remote viewing and as mentioned in the comment I left on the previous post, I am a believer. I have a couple of posts coming out next week and although it's not about remote viewing, in the context of associated ideas you may be interested in the 2nd one. Excellent work as always @v4vapid .. I'm really enjoying this series .. and it's great to have it on the blockchain! Upvoted and resteemed.
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It might be purely conjecture but it is a hell of a lot more fascinating to ponder these questions than to accept what we've been given by NASA and government space agencies across the globe.
With all the advancement in technology - Why haven't we returned to the moon?
It seems preposterous that the technology of the early 1970s got us there and we've yet to return.
Would we not benefit immensely from returning and exploring our own Moon?
The live feed from Space X's latest launch just 2 days ago was CUT as the Flacon 9 spacecraft was nearing phase 2 of their mission. Apparently, the NAOO cut the transmission because the cameras on the craft were not 'authorized' with the proper permits...
NASA and co., have had a monopoly of all the information and photos of space for a half-century now. Could there be something they wish to hide? I would say yes.
And I would agree with you that there has been a well funded secret space program for a longtime now that's been hidden from the public. Lockheed Martin and the US gov recently admitted as much. After hiding these programs for so long and deny their existence, how can we continue to support the official story?
Looking forward to your connected/related piece! I know it will be something special. Thanks for reading :)
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"It might be purely conjecture but it is a hell of a lot more fascinating to ponder these questions than to accept what we've been given by NASA and government space agencies across the globe."
Amen to that my brother, there is a genuine benefit to be obtained from stepping outside of the general talking points and consensus. Alas many members of the public have been trained to appreciate repetition and not original albeit fringe topics of discussion, one things for sure and that's the fact that we're not here to discuss what the Kardashians had for breakfast! One of the greatest gifts we have is our ability to question, ponder and philosophise .. Indeed in the words of Aristotle "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Equally we appear to live in an age where the majority allow a neverending stream of experts to do their thinking for them and define the boundaries of their perceptual reality. But you know my friend, nothing is set in stone and I have a feeling that the current cutting edge of our general consensus will one day be viewed as akin to the dogmas of the dark ages.
In terms of us not returning to the moon .. here is a recent quote from the astronaut Don Petit “I'd go to the moon in a nanosecond - the problem is that we don't have the technology to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology and it's a painful process to build it back again.”
Fair enough the technology would degrade but what about the blueprints? Indeed the blueprints are in many ways more valuable than the technology and they could equally lay the foundations for a cheaper and more technologically advanced return trip. I have an aunt who as a child was observed (by Nasa) to have a genius level intellect and was subsequently packed off to the states on a braintrain scholarship. She worked for Nasa for fifty years but unfortunately every worker and every department is so compartmentalised that they are never able to see the big picture. From my perspective the reluctance to return to the Moon appears to hint that either they never went or indeed they found something that they don't want the rest of us to know about. The latter appears to make more sense as in relation to return trips there appears to be a general consensus from other countries against attempting a manned return, sure the idea is muted every once in a while but (aside from a Chinese rover) actions speak louder than words. Equally if other countries knew the whole thing was a farce I feel the information would have been made publically available, on the other hand if they thought it was valid and without issue they would have been fighting amongst themselves to get there.
They have a secret department for every other facet of life, so it would be naive to think they wouldn't have one for our greatest frontier. Something just doesn't sit right with it all.
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Okay that was definitely worth the wait! Stuff like this just gives me the goosebumps!! Strange we don't have much photo evidence, strange we haven't gone to the moon 10000 times by now...!!
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Yes, why haven't we returned since the 1970s? And there are photos but they're classified ;)
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Great follow up @v4vapid to part 1. I would like to take this opportunity to put peoples minds at ease about the dark side of the moon controversy. I have had contact with some forces who are very knowledgeable on this topic, who have assured me of the context of the details in your article. What were the stadium like row of lights? The green misty fog? The thumping noise heard? It was a Pink Floyd Concert, with seating reserved for elites only!
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LOL! Awesome, I like your interpretation of Swann's viewing!
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There's a part 3? Well, I'm anxiously waiting for that. In the meantime, I'm very curious to read this book, Penetration! Thanks for the information.
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Yeah, the first half of the book is interesting although it gets weird later on. I only intended to make a 2 posts on this but I guess I started down that road and want to share some more on the topic.
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Can't wait for part 3. What do you think the naked people were doing? slave labour or actual living?
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It's not that far fetched that the moon would have resources to mine such as Helium 3 which theoretically could be used to power nuclear fusion.
But honestly, I have no idea why they're naked, lol. I think slave labor is a as good of a guess as any or that these beings are androids that simply look humanoid, sent to mine the moon for their masters.
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The next question is, can you psychic kong fu?
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This is really cool, but cmon @v4vapid, earth is flat bro, the moon is just a flat disk attached to the sky container that rotates around us. Pretty obvi ;)
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It was in January of 2017 when, due to a lawsuit, the CIA was forced to release over thirteen million previously declassified files online to the public. These files were wide-ranging, including such topics as recipes for invisible ink, UFO cases, and even files pertaining to Project Stargate, a government-funded project which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception. And while this was intriguing, to say the least, one psychic claims that he was used for an operation that stretched every boundary of his own abilities.
This entire list of events is wrought with sensational claims, speculation, and second-hand information. But if even a shred of what Swann says is true, then we have much to be concerned about on our lunar neighbor. Just the same, if the testimonies of Johnston and Brandenburg are any indication, then our Moon could be one step closer to an alien invasion waiting in the darkest corners of its craters and our fears
Still it will be interesting to see what exactly is a reality of the moon @v4vapid
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This sounds very exciting but as its usually the case with these subjects, when its time to actually prove things, its impossible to do so.
If there were aliens in the moon then they better get the hell out of there if they don't want to be seen, because soon enough we will have proper technology to explore every bit of the moon, and if they are there we will have contact...
I have always believe in extraterrestrials, but when it comes to conspiracy, I find them entertaining to hear, but hard to believe.
Still, I will be waiting for part 3!
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So the moon has a dark side. I have always been thought that the sun casts it's light on the moon and if that was really the case, the moon shouldnt hve a dark side .
This piece has thought me what I never knew and so I must give a big kudos to you on this.
Thanks for sharing
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Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫ resteemid
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Fact or fiction aside - really interesting post!
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You are making it interesting ..makes me want to grasp this notebook from your hand and read it in a whole day....dont makes us wait any longer....post the part 3 fast fast..
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Great summary of swanns moon remote viewing sessions. He was one of the best remote viewers and had a great track record and worked for a long time with the government. It truly is amazing the vast potential that the human mind has. I believe he and others that can do this with great accuracy, they can almost access or tap into an energy field that helps them transcend time and space and allow them to see places/ time periods with there mind. If we believe that time is only a 3rd dimensional concept and does not exist in other dimensions, than if one can tap into other frequencies than almost anything is possible. Delores Cannon has lots of info on this as well, not sure if u are familiar with her works.
What did u think about the two Twin looking soldiers that worked for axelrod?
Were they aliens, humanoid type of organic robots or what?? Those 2 were very strange and something there seemed very off!
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Also forgot to mention earlier, are u familiar with Courtney Brown and the farsighted institute? They do lots or remote viewing projects and lots of interesting things like JFK in the moment he was murdered, the “heaven and hell” biblical battle, the moment Atlantis was destroyed etc
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Good post. this became a new science for me
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the moon is filled with aliens look up
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There are infinities of unresolved mysteries from the dark side of the moon, which will be hiding us so much? What is the truth in all this?
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Holy mo, this was a good read. Looking forward to the next part. I have no words at this moment. This needs to sink in deeper. Thanks for the PDF, I have tons of audio material that I listen to on the subject and this'll be added to my collection now as well. @v4vapid do you practice any of this?
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Not yet! I'd love to visit our solar system and explore it psychically.
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i like smart people like you .. you post it well .. everyone else would also like to see this ..
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We always learn new things. Such as there is dark side of the moon, or there has always been only one side of the moon facing the earth, or the moon rotated around the earth much faster than in the long past.
Isn’t it true that there is no wind on the moon?
How could he know? Oh, I understand, the humanoids human alike, which means aliens .
Swann’s Story:
There were human like humanoid males butt naked only doing some kind of digging activity being able to realize Swann has been watching them. He could feel them knowing about him or could feel some sort of dimensional disruption. Two of them actually pointed at him, scaring the s..t out of him. Like they were some kind of psychics. Swann is assured by one of his colleagues there is nothing to worry about. Swann is trying to find out from his colleagues everything they know about these humanoids. They refuse. Before he was able to find out more, the session was over. He returned back home to NY wandering what he just experienced.
My Conclusion:
What Swann experienced is almost unreal. For me it’s hard to believe as well. With no evidence. Even though NASA claims otherwise, not about aliens, mostly about Moon’s surface. Why is there so much aknown about Moon since many decades ago we we able to “land” on the Moon. Why it is so hard for humans to get back to the Moon?
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Yeah, there's no evidence but I like the idea of RV and the idea that people have the potential to harness ESP by training their minds.
I think it's also baffling that we don't know more about the moon. It's the closest celestrial object to us and we haven't been back in 40 years?
If we can make the ISS then why can't we send astronauts, geologists, archeologists, biologists, etc to the moon to conduct research. This really is an important question.
Edit: Swann does question how could he be seeing sand swirls and dunes because the Moon doesn't have an atmosphere. There are many things that he saw in his remote-viewing that he could not comprehend or explain.
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How interesting to come across someone here tagging remote viewing. I think this was awesome bc the other side of the moon is as fascinating as other moons and their potential in our system.
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That is a stunning photograph. So much detail! Thanks for sharing with us
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Nice one buddy. This stuff always gets this old noggin a thinkin. lol
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Cheers, all I want is to have some far out ideas rolling in people's minds ;)
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Shame that Swann never got to publish his Secrets of Power vol 3. Very strange books, read like technical manuals, but are thorough in how propaganda works at a deep level. Volume 3 was supposed to reveal how to regain your freedom - although one can figure it out from the previous 2 volumes, would still be good if the manuscript ever gets printed.
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Important publications I will follow up
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오 뭔가 멋지네요.... 학부때 태양계 그래픽으로 구현한게 생각납니다.
oh it's something wonderful. it reminds me the project that i developed solar system by graphic tool when i was in university.
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Very nice post and awesome
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remote viewing is how @stevendkelley discovered a massive underground NSA bunker holding thousands of child sex slaves to this day...
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Wow thats awesome! I especially like the dark side of the moon being reviled! One of my old photography passions was taking moon photos. I have a few LONG lenses (800m with a 2x converter = 1600m) and you feel like you're on the moon! When you're zoomed in that close, the moon travels so fast, that you actually have to chase it with your camera! Space is so intriguing to me! Thanks again as always @v4vapid !
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WHat!?!? I want to see the far side of the moon! I got to look at the moon in detail in this crazy telescope... it was so beautiful, I can only image what the other side might look like.
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I think the one side of moon is dark while one is bright. if you saw sea or ocean water far away seem black and moon also contain water and there is huge distance between earth and moon. while another reason can be that there is shadow of sun or some another planet that's why half of moon looks dark.
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the earth is not a spinning globe, there is absolutely no proof of a ball earth
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