Here are some pet peeves of developers working remotely ¹ ² ³ ⁴:
- Heisenbugs: bugs that either disappear or change their behavior when you try to catch them
- Everything is Top Priority: working on a project where all features are important
- Spaghetti Code: unstructured code that is difficult to maintain
- Estimates Are Deadlines: giving an estimate to your team lead or client, which they then promptly started treating as a hard deadline
- Poorly Written Documentation: unclear documentation
- Assuming developers can do it all: assuming that a developer can do it all and wants to save money on everything
- Lack of clarity: unclear requirements and user cases
- Assuming tasks are easy: assuming tasks are easy and do not require much effort or time
- Not understanding code debt: not understanding that code debt is a thing and not understanding why you would need time for that
- Not understanding the importance of tests: not understanding the importance of tests in a codebase and not allocating time for that
- Lack of clarity of Bug (Defect) Reports: unclear or poorly written bug reports
- Demanding developers to fix a bug on spot: asking developers to fix bugs immediately, without understanding the context switching challenges
- Testers have the heck of finding edge case bugs that is not relevant: finding bugs that are not easy to reproduce or are edge cases
- It is the tester responsibility to ensure that bugs do not reach customer: thinking that testers are responsible for finding all bugs, and that it is their fault if bugs reach the customers