The Contract

in remoteviewing •  6 years ago  (edited)

Or, rather ... the end of it.

I am speaking of the contract that Ingo Swann negotiated for himself, between "the Science" (ha ha) of Remote Viewing and Saint Mary of Nazareth.

I will tell you that it is NOT that ... a Science!! Just because there is a structured protocol for accessing this 'power' and getting it to work for you, this does not make it a science

The only reason that Remote Viewing has been possible, is because of a Divine Contract. A totally 'paranormal' exception, granted through an 'angellic' connection that was made on behalf of a single individual, and then engaged by the Intel community. First through the American CIA and then adopted by both private citizens and various organizations worldwide, all with agendas of their own.

For interpretation of this astrological chart, just start with the critical 29 degree Scorpio Mercury in the 9th House of Truth, that has just gone direct. Note the aspect to retrograde Uranus in the second house, the planet of CHANGE. And don't forget what I told you from my last post, that Chiron is NOT in the sign of Pisces after all, but Aries. That would be the key symbol in the first house.


Remote Viewing was Mary's Gift to the world, a tool ... meant to be used for the highest good and the healing of Planet Earth. There was a contract, an agreement to honor this intent, made on behalf of humanity. Abuse of power though. Sigh. There's always that. Er, been that. Most of us have no idea just how much this 'little' intrusion into the Mind of God has affected the outcome of history and life on Earth. Or the lack of it. Call it, insider information to the extreme, regarding the stock of your future. And bigtime conflict of interest.

Do you know what conflict of interest is? Well, according to the ethics laws added to the U.S. Constitution by John F. Kennedy, it means not using a position of public trust for private gain. Violation of which carries strict felony penalties for those found guilty of this offense in a court of law.

Well, isn't that just ... typical, at this point? My findings just now, looking up some facts to share.

The law was proposed in April of 1961, called the 'Executive Employees Standards Act' and it was ratified!! I was employed by a large federal government organization back in the 1990's, where my job was Administrative Assistant to the Ethics Officer. I worked for the Resolution Trust Corporation, an extension of the FDIC formed specifically to deal with the savings and loan banking crisis in America. This entire agency would not have existed, but for this very legislation.

However, I see that the internet data control 'police' has rewritten things, to so very nearly drop documentation of these events out of the public (internet) record and historic awareness. In any case, it was proposed to the public during one of JFK's speeches:

27 April 1961, Special Message on Conflicts of Interest

So here's the thing. This was not the entire speech!!

I just finished listening to it and there's no mention of Conflict of Interest law which is archived to have been introduced here. Also, can you even imagine any presidential speech lasting less than twenty minutes?!? I believe that it was cut off at the twenty minute mark, during a pause in his overall presentation. So far no luck finding the entire speech on the internet. But I do have a book around here someplace on Kennedy's famous speeches.

That little diversion was certainly not intended. What I wanted to say, was that conflict of interest is more than just a governmental definition for a code of conduct.

Conflict of interest is when you betray anyone who has placed their trust in you.

Something I have noticed over the years, the view of friendship in this country. Where people expect their friends to let you rip them off, or cheat them.

For example. Let's say you know someone who runs a business and relies on that business' income for their survival. These days, most "friends" would expect you to give them a special deal, or a discount or even free advice or labor. What I'm saying is, that if you are really a friend, you would support their efforts and their business without cheating them. You would be willing to pay full price and patronize your friend's business in favor of other businesses that do the same thing or provide the same product or service, assuming that the standard of quality is as good as or better than any of the others. Out of loyalty and support for your friend!!

That's not to say that there are not exceptions. Many private businesses help the poor by providing discounts or free goods and services to people in their communities who need this. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the status quo expectations of people who can otherwise afford it but who presume special treatment that is undermining to their friends. Rather than supporting them.

So back to the original subject of this post. The Contract, between RV and the Virgin Mary.

Let's say that for argument's sake, that the Virgin Mary's spirit, or whatever it was that Mr. Swann connected with, considered him a friend, or a friendly contact. And that in exchange for responsible use of power, she was willing to grant it to the Intel community, out of TRUST. An ability to SEE beyond the current limitations of time and space. Meant to be used wisely, to help navigate the course of humanity's future.


Lets just say also, that there are serious consequences for the betrayal of Divine Contracts.

LR 12/11/2018

(As I once said to Ed Dames, Yeah I know my writing isn't perfect, according to the rules of english. I write more as a subjective expression of my thoughts and feelings than a grammatically perfect record)!!

John F. Kennedy
Presidential Library and Museum
Archive Reference
27 April 1961, Special Message on Conflicts of Interest

What is Remote Viewing?
The Farsight Institute

From the link, "It is clear that remote viewing works in complete violation of the accepted "laws" of quantum and relativistic physics."

The Great Apparitions of Mary
by Ingo Swann

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