An efficient and low-cost photocatalytic technology could pave the way for new photoelectrochemical applications for the production of sustainable fuels
A new and inexpensive method of photocatalysis could lead to the production of sustainable fuels by solar energy.
Dye-sensitized photocatalysis has proved very efficient in using visible light to produce clean and renewable hydrogen energy from water, and for making photoanodes for dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cells.
Although photocathodes made from dye-sensitized photocatalysis systems hold promise for the development of efficient and cost-effective photocatalysts, creating them has been challenging.
Now, scientists in the UK and Japan, including researchers from the Advanced Institute for Materials Research at Tohoku University in Japan, have developed a dye-sensitized photocatalyst that uses an organic compound called catechol bound to a molecule of titanium dioxide to act as a photosensitizer. They then formed a photocathode by transferring this dye-sensitized titanium dioxide to an electrode.
The advance is an important step in the development of dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cells.
This article was first published by Springer Nature. Read the original article at
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