Success, Our First Reno Blockchain Club Meeting and Potluck! (Day 14: 2018-01-14)

in reno •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

At this point, changing the world isn't our goal. The world is changing all on its own and blockchain technology is a new, rapidly expanding source of that change. Our goal is to network people together so we can all learn in a more expanded, coordinated way and share what we learn with each other. And with the empowerment that comes from the group's shared knowledgebase and best practices, we can choose to take particular actions as single organization and improve the lives of our members and the community around us.

The unanimous decisions we made last night are:
1- The club is now called Reno Blockchain,
2- Each member will contribute to a shared crypto portfolio, yet each can also create their own portfolio(s) (sharing their particular speculation strategies with the group),
3- We will develop an official Charter and an Operations documents to address club issues over time, i.e.; voting, guests, new members, making trades, events, charitable contributions, etc.

At times, the sheer amount of information was overwhelming, but we ended with a wonderful potluck dinner that made it all worth it! Thank you everyone for your involvement and great ideas last night!

Statistics from

Jan 14 2018 00:02:00 UTC
$774,265,000,000 USD: Total Market Capitalization
$40,144,900,000 USD: 24-Hour Volume
32.44%: Bitcoin Dominance

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Wish I Was There .
Next time for Sure..