It all started May 28th 2013 moving into these apartment homes, and you would never know the terror that I felt in these coming days. I searched the place to and through and didn't think to look underneath the heater or to really look for holes for where mice, rodents or any other thing that creeps around at night can get into your apartment homes, and ruin your life - literally. I've been run out of naturally being able to live in my own home, and am living a most unnatural lifestyle because of never being able to feel in a safe environment.
We've had sewer backing up into the kitchen sinks and the bathroom sink and tub that has even carried over and onto our apartment floors. We then started discovering this place was making us more sick then usual and more often the sick feelings just would get worse and not better. I feel I've been being stalked and harassed in a way that is subtly attacking people here who are seeking to get help for the ways they feel that their lives have been turned upside-down by the people renting here, and knowing full well the amount of that damage that is going on. It's people feeling as though their livelihoods are taken away from them and don't get to live a natural progression in life because of things that are known by the maintenance of the places where people are living. I'm not saying all the people - but some, and one is enough. If one person is not safe - no one is safe.
This water happens every now and again whenever there is any work done, which is sometimes normal, but this was the first time I've seen it get so dark and gross looking where chunks of piping has come through our faucets and it's hard to trust any of the water you're getting, for bathing even. It gets to a point where when you have life to be lived and you are unable to live the natural way you had planned out first, it's that it starts breaking down on you and getting some people just to live in it, and to deal with the unnatural conditions as though there is nothing they can do about them - when I believe there is, and that they should do things about these issues and press harder then ever before to get your stories heard. You had a dream before these places took that dream away from you, and you even had just regular things to do that used to make you happy and feel like other people can, but when you're broken down by lacking maintenance causing you to lack sleep - I'm afraid that people are being broken down and left as inmates in a place rather then tenants or people that they care about how you are living, and I also believe that their is a lot of incentives involved in disenfranchising people in their own homes - so people continue to get away with it; because it never gets heard and people give up the fight. I don't condone to that sentiment because people are ultimately leaving other people to move into conditions that caused you to leave in the first place. It honestly insults my intelligence to think that people are that fed up, that they would rather just move and hope to find a more comfortable home - which; thinking practically you should want to do for yourselves - none-the-less, if you're not pressing to get appropriations made for the concerns that you've had - don't you think that you're allowing worse things to happen when you should have in fact too, pressed for your own appropriations even after leaving a place. It's absurd to me because years and years can go by before any people get any true liberty and therefor earn their freedoms back from the people who are allowing others to live in turmoil and pain. How can you see a walking target? You can't! You can only imagine that they are being targeted.
I can only try to teach you how you are leaving others to feel, and they can be vulnerable children - or vulnerable adults or they might even be - YOU! But, I can't tell you how badly it feels to reach for help - where a lot of people just don't care - and will even make you feel as though you should just die and go float away. There are too many people that just don't care. You have to care! You have to love! Expect nothing but hate, and love anyways.
My day might never come, but I'm sure as hell not going to lie down and accept these as facts that people have to just live and deal the ways that they are. And, especially if they are children who have no outlet for that voice. I create that voice, and I will create that voice here and now! I won't sell people short of having appropriations made for their concerns and when it gets to the point where one feels like giving up on their entire world and I feel is happening world-wide, and all over America right now - it hurts, because I want to say to these kids - to never stop trying, and never give up, and to not sell yourselves short of your dreams, your goals, and making your passions be felt throughout your world, because there are a lot of haters and you can't win them all - but you can build a life with the bricks that people are willing to throw at you. And, I for one am choosing to build a life with those bricks, because - I've never felt so broken in my entire life - feeling as though - everyone in life is searching for more human connection and don't know the first thing as to how to get it. But, nevertheless people are searching for it everywhere and these kids really don't have an outlet like kids used to have because they are being brainwashed by otherwise tarnished life experiences that get people to feel as though their life is destroyed - so who are they to make any changes!?
Change has come - I'm set out to fight the poverty, and fight for people that lost their wages, their incomes based on their environments. I'm out to change things - and set people back on course for a better life! I mean, when you're under attack you've got to figure out something here - I mean, come on!
Next after losing pay, and losing jobs, and losing your cars and things that you needed in order to survive and to thrive and to make your own American life great again, there was definite things being left for people here where it was leaving people without - and without so bad, someone once told me that they didn't feel they wanted to wake up anymore. Someone told me it got to a point where they just gave up trying to talk to maintenance or get any work done in their apartment home. When it gets this bad, and for a lot of people, and you have to move and want to move - but can't, where do you have to run to!? Where do you have to go!?
All that I can say is scream your dreams even if your voice shakes and you're trembling because these people want you to be hurt, have anxiety - and place you in worse predicaments and not better ones. The idea here is to turn around the places faster and be able to make more money off of more people - and not keep people in a place where they are able to live in peace - heavens no! Leave these people with as little to nothing as you can - so that people do lose the struggle within themselves and give up the struggle in general. I say don't lost that struggle! SCREAM YOUR DREAMS!
These things cause me anxiety and make me sad, but this world keeps telling me that I need depression medication that actually suffocate these thoughts from ever getting prepared. I just have been dealing with a lot, and nothing has been being done about them so, I'm out to help the people who are hurting by letting them know that they aren't alone. And, to keep pressing for actions to be taken in their matters they are trying to bring to their attention. They act like they were never aware of the things that are happening, because no one cares to do this kind of work - and writings like this shouldn't have to exist.
I've just been feeling as though - I can't win a real life because of these things - and there is nothing being done about them so I'm working hard to try making these things known so that I can get some appropriations made for the concerns that I have, and the concerns that I know a lot of people are feeling in the world and especially in places like these - that are sold out basically on making sure that people get to live in their hell - and the hell with you if you don't have the kind of money to move on - I'm even being financially sabotaged. I shouldn't have to be so scared to walk in my own front door - right!? But, like I said, you couldn't ever understand the kind of terror that I've felt until it happens to you - you couldn't imagine these things happening until you are living in them. I'm personally sick and tired of it, and I'm out to stop the abuse.
Here is water damage that we were left with to deal with. We've gained more black molds and other issues that are hard to talk about and are hard to even dare mention here. Like, lice and other bugs - it's just sick as fuck! Good luck living a normal kind of life here - because you won't be able to. It's uninhabitable environments that are causing people to lack energies and other known illnesses that go along with these environmental issues.
We were left to clean up all the water that came in from the ground or the walls or wherever, and it was never discovered where the water was coming from. Instead, I was told - if you don't like it here so bad - why don't you just move! And of course, I'd love to move, but - this place and living here has sabotaged by performance in work and my ability to perform daily tasks here. No one should have to clean as much as we've had to clean in these Apartment Hell's. It's too much for anyone that should have to deal with things that we've had to deal with on a daily basis - causing us more damage in our lives and our health conditions worsening.
Not to only mention that this is water damage, and never discovered where it came from - these things are also fire hazards and can cause people to lose their homes and everything - so when there is water damage and it's not being even attempted to be found out where the water came from, it's just left to us to deal with it even though it's gross, and cost us more money then we should have been having to use for laundry and soaps and cleaning and just taking time away from living natural lives. It's horrendous! But, just wait... it gets worse yet!
And here is some black mold that after this water was left to damage the place it's damaged the foundation here.
Here are some mushrooms that are also growing in the back staircase landing and keep growing and coming back, and the only thing they do is vacuum them and maybe spray some bleach, but - it still doesn't stop the fact that people who are allergic to black molds - can be led into a shortened life because of these conditions.
When you walk into the building - you can smell the funk in the air, and mostly from what I've seen is people getting sick and even trying to hide it in the fact that they need to work. Black molds can cause symptoms of itchy feelings all over the skin, not to mention the already issue with bugs and real live adult lice from the mice that we've had, it's enough to make a anyone get sick, feel sick - and lose in the battle for your own health. But, it's remarkable how little that these people are willing to do - to take care of their tenants. It's without regard or concern at all with how they've dealt with us here - so it doesn't matter to me how the people are being taken care of - these issues shouldn't have ever occurred due to lacking the maintenance involved in making sure these places are made whole and inspected by an inspector that we've been asking for since 2013 - and still hasn't had one come into our home to see the issues that we've been mentioning and talking about. So I started taking pictures of everything and documenting these things as they happen. We started a paper trail through e-mail, and nothing has still to be done about the concerns that we've had. Just look at these next pictures here:
Here you can see just beyond the heater where the sheet-rock leaves a huge space about an inch up from the ground where you can see a hole that is just beyond the sheet-rock! Gross!
These are pictures of underneath our heater where the ground doesn't match up to the sheet-rock correctly behind the heater, and there are more holes like this that have happened because of mice running around.
Here is a picture of the hole after I covered it with dry-wall and some steel-wool as I read that it's hard for those things to chew through that stuff - hopefully stopping the issue myself from getting further - but, it's out of control here and I am now wanting to seek out to see who else is feeling these things, and who else is having issues with maintenance where they feel the places they are allowing us to live in are not being kept up to code, and it can even be as scary as a wink wink and a handshake with people to make sure that our voices don't get heard. If these things are stopping people from getting heard, I say work harder to be heard.
I hate the term of having a safe working environment, but it's true when you can't sleep and are feeling these issues to a level that is compromising our livelihoods. Nothing is being done to create a safe working environment for people to live in, and the conditions are leaving people to never be able to enjoy the things that they have, and even make incomprehensible damages to the peoples lives. How are we supposed to be able to live, eat, sleep and get to do anything that people most enjoy!? How are you supposed to thrive in this kind of environment!? I can tell you how, and you're not going to like my answer - but; you aren't supposed to be able to live in a safe working environment silly - that would make it where people liked their homes and the turn over rates would slow down. It's disinterest from the people you're paying your rents to silly. Don't you know that it's a game already!? It is! And come rent time - you had better have your money even though you can't sleep, or we're going to evict you right away. So you had better be able to be a robot - because you're not going to be treated as though you're even a human being. Instead of solving the issue - they'll even have the audacity to come to you and tell you if you don't like it here so bad - why don't you just move!? And, I'm sure people would love to move - but it's the fact that you're allowing people to live in places that are uninhabitable to say the least - while doing nothing to express concern for your own dilapidated places and the moles that are running around the lawns and getting into the building foundation. This is highly being ignored and is not being mentioned to people as even a condition that could allow a person the choice to choose somewhere else over coming into their homes here as if they are going to be able to live and find normalcy in conditions that can arise from having water intrusion and also just being left to deal with most things on your own - even if they are causing you to get sick constantly and while you are sick - having to deal with their mice issues. It's not right to keep allowing a people to come into these places where I'm concerned because I didn't need to ever be living the ways that I've been living. Buying all the extra products and doing all this extra laundry, and even losing money to their machines they provide in their homes that eat your money and don't work - and then it takes forever to get any quarters back from the apartment management when these things happen, and it takes away the time that you have to do laundry in the first place. All of which leave you to fall further behind, and further from being able to work on anything that you need to get done in order that something be initially started here in the first place to stop these issues from happening. And, it's nothing more then band-aid operations and "smooth operators" who aren't doing proper maintenance or proper work at all. When work is done here - it's done as half ass as possible, and when you're dealing with these things - nobody cares! Your concerns are all your own, and you're on your own - because people are left without a proper resource where there is any action taken.
I'm out to start that resource and get people screaming these issues and leaving them in the public for public opinion to start getting involved. I'm just that sick and tired of being hacked over and over where I'm out to make a statement about how these people are willing to treat their tenants like inmates in some prison where they are unable to live normal lives - and they are also unable to find proper avenues to get attention to matters before just giving up on their lives and/or moving out and never starting anything in the way of making sure that appropriations are made for the people sharing their concerns and sharing their grief and just because they don't feel as though there is an outlet - they give up that fight. Stop giving up! Stop letting these fuckers get away with making your lives hell and the lives of your loved ones miserable. I'm so sick and tired of either feeling as though I'm feeling too burned to go out and become alive with my humanity, and sick and tired of seeing people trying to hold up their heads while they are either fallen in their laps or they've fallen on the floor. And, either way - I'm sick and tired of not seeing your smiles, and not seeing people that are happy and enfranchised in life - and a people that feel good about their systems in place, and the people running these outfits for equal housing opportunities meant for people with low incomes, all while breaking the people's lives who move into places like I have. It sucks!
Here are pictures of all the mice that I caught in a camera anyways; there was way more... it wasn't until I felt that I needed to actually have that proof that I started taking pictures. And, I was sick as shit - I'm still sick as shit, and life has been rough ever since I've moved into their apartment homes. Not like life isn't rough enough already, but it's as if these people care so little - they want you to move and to take NO action against them in the fact - even while you are being hacked on your computer in your attempt at creating just a letter to print up and send to them. And, these people know what information they have. They know the kinds of abuses that they are getting away with when the holes aren't being fixed and you are just being left to rot in their apartment here where I stay, and I feel that these people have known these things for a long time, and nothing is going to be done about it because they feel as though they can win and keep getting people to run out of their own homes, because it's scary. It's too much for anyone to have to handle.
This one got his head pierced by the peanut-butter. Isn't it lovely that you've got to deal with these rodents running around? Even to the point of waking you up in the morning crawling on your bed. They are everywhere! It's absurd that nothing is being done in the way of making these people whole. Just adding a whole pile of shit on their plates and making it harder for them to even ask for that help. With the many things that they've got going on, and can't even ask for the help they most desperately need because they have many other things in life they are facing, and it's hard for them to even get out of bed. It gets to a point where you don't want to wake up, when you finally do get some sleep and when you can't sleep and are feeling itchy all over from bugs, you can't focus - you're drained of emotion, feeling poisoned and motionless with nothing but pain inside. It's enough to drive anyone crazy!
Somehow, I do believe that these mice are now better off then me. They're at least really dead now, I'm alive and feeling dead, but who cares!?
It's getting to the point where I'm starting to lack concentration at work, and I was even puking around the corners because I was so sick, and so ill, and my mind just couldn't focus on work when I was just ill. I was unable to sleep. And, to top it all off - I was a snow-remover shoveling snow trying to work my way forward but, had really no way to move forward myself. I was thankful this thanksgiving that I'm alive, but I was not thankful where I had anything for myself to concern myself with, as thanksgiving was sad. My mom ended up in the hospital, and I just didn't make it to dinner with my family. It sucked truthfully - it hurt!
Happy Thanksgiving, and a Merry Christmas to you and yours. Here's a get well gift from Wood-Lawn Hell. We hope that you enjoy your stay, and we're glad that you're now living in the best, since you've seen all the rest. And, well hell - if this is the best then I don't care about any of them! This place is trashy!
To begin with since 2013-14, we've been asking for our place to be inspected by an inspector, as even before we first seen rodents running around, we've been having health concerns that were seemingly stemming from the environment here. It is to me as if we are breathing things in daily that, in a sanitary place, or a place that you can clean from one end to the other and it'll stay clean for a few hours at minimum - these things simply don't happen here. You clean and clean and you never can stop cleaning because - your shit is being ruined while we speak. And, you have had to try and sleep, you feel buggy, you wake up, you deal with mice issues and then you lose work. All the things you've worked hard at obtaining is now ruined! You've walked away basically from all of your things and all of your normal daily life and instead of getting any normalcy in life you're just left desperately seeking it out, and you just can't find it - because the place you live in isn't providing that comfort to you. The kind of comfort you need to even be in a spot to make these calls and to take actions regarding matters where you are being left to rot and they are hoping that you die.
Remind you these are just the ones that we actually started to capture on camera; we were also dealing with them running around us constantly, and even waking us up by running over us - literally. The reasonable thing would be to move, and most practical thing to do, but when you are in a place where you can't necessarily do that; what are we now, slaves as inmates of some crazy hell with no outlet to get help!? Because these things are getting old. I'm losing sleep. I can't concentrate on anything anymore because I'm living here, and have no place else to go. But, the situation just gets worse! These things just kept coming and coming and crawling around everything that now that we've had to buy unreasonable amounts of cleaning products and mice traps and things, we've also gotten our fair share of itchy biting jumpy bugs; like lice, or louse, or crabs. So, now not only do we have more bugs in the home then there are outside; what are we supposed to do!? Not do anything about it!? And, see that's just the thing - people are being left in uninhabitable conditions that are keeping them from living ordinary lives and people with reason for the most part - think practically and move and never worry about the next people moving into their apartment homes or their old conditions that are here, are now being engaged with - with new clients and new people, and there is a lot of money that is being made where other people suffer based on people lacking the skills or the knowledge about how to press their concerns and press for actions to be taken. My fear is that peoples lives are now at stake here, and these are how some people die. So why is it so hard to find appropriate legal help, health-care help, and otherwise BE helped when people are driven into situations like these, and for the most part I think the people that rent to you love it. They love it because they know that hardly anyone is going to take them to court, and no one has time; so 99 out of 100 times, no one is taking them to court and making orders to force these people change their work related habits in maintenance and how they are secluding their workmanship from the people within the city they provide housing for, low-income equal opportunity housing, where people with disabilities and such live in their homes and never get appropriations made because they are being abused at levels where even our healthcare doesn't concern themselves with your environmental issues that are causing these problems.
When, we can't even so much as be represented by the people we pay rent to - to come in an make these changes, and address the actual issues where they are coming from before pressing concerns come up as they have here - I don't want them to come in a take pieces out of the walls to see if there is black mold or make more holes that are worsening the structure that isn't already being fixed - over fixing the holes that are already here and now, and not making it seem as though there wasn't already holes here to begin with. It's not as if you move into a place and roll around on the floor and act like a mouse and make sure that the wall touches the floor in every seem of every corner.
Sometimes, you're forced into places because of not having the incomes to change your living conditions to begin with; and a lot of other issues arise as a result of workmanship that is put into their apartment housing developments.
It's enough to make anyone lose their mind.
They could start by making sure that their ground work isn't covered with mole holes and mouse holes, and keep the mice swept under the rug by wrapping the buildings with mulch and covering holes up to make it seem as though work is being done when it isn't. It's a band-aid to anyone looking at the area in a real way; could see it. They would see that the possibility of people here to go through hell is pretty high.
Clearly seeing that there are puffed up grounds that should be maintained properly securing the grade before allowing the buildings to be gotten into and revamped by moles and rodents is absurd. And, then just leaving these holes for the future tenants without a proper inspection is done before moving more people into your homes is a huge no no and I'm not only pissed off about it, I'm furious! I'm not going to live in fear anymore, and not be subject to this kind of treatment by these people any longer! There are babies here! These are peoples lives that are being hurt, and these are peoples things that are being destroyed by the lack of character of these places.
I've told them about these holes numerous times and nothing is ever done about it - over just saying that if it wasn't for so and so, that these mice wouldn't even be there - blaming their own tenants before even thinking to just fill the holes with something to stop them from coming in. I mean, what the hell is wrong with these people when they aren't doing anything to maintain their own apartment homes! This is bull shit!
Here is more holes that are inside the building for entrance points for their friendly mice running people out of their own homes.
The fact is; is that no one should have to live like I've been forced to. I literally don't have a way out, or I would leave. It's just that I've been forced down by issues that are constantly attacking me and it's starting to attack my dignity as well. I know that people shouldn't have to deal with things like we've been having to deal with here on a daily basis and it's the fact that these people know the kinds of conditions that are being left for people with low-incomes. They just aren't doing anything about them. I'm afraid that they make too much money off of people who don't know their rights, because you can't disenfranchise a people who know their rights, and a people need to make a stand against the people that are getting away with leaving people homeless without a spot to try getting any kind of appropriations made where their lives have been placed into a fictional life where you don't get to do the things that you would otherwise be doing. You get to work on things like this now - over work on your dreams, and out of fear of being hacked and stopped from getting the information out to the public in a way for it to be heard.
Please visit me on facebook to see all the photos that I have online
I think I want to vomit.
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no kidding, I sure as hell did...
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